Two Alone
here, away from you, and back home where I belong."
    His stern lip all but disappeared beneath his mustache. "All right, then." He spun around and stamped back toward the c abin. "I'll get there much faster without having you tagging al o ng. You'll stay here."
    "Fine," she called after him.
    Then, setting her own chin as stubbornly as his, she made her halt ing progress up t he incline toward t he cabin. The men were i n the mids t of an argument by the time she reached t h e door, which Cooper, in his haste or anger, had left ajar. Turning sideways and using her elbows, she maneuvered her way inside.
    "Be reasonable, Gawrylow," Cooper was saying. "Reuben is twenty or so years younger than you. I want to move fast. He goes with me. You stay with my... my wife. I can't leave her here alone."
    "But, Pa—" Reuben whined.
    'He's right, Reuben. You'll move much faster than I could . If you're lucky, you might reach the river by midafternoon."
    The plan wasn't t o Reuben's liking at all. He gave Rusty one-last, hungry glance, t hen ambled out, muttering under his breath. Cooper didn't appear much happier. He drew Rusty aside and handed her the flare gun, cur tl y instructing her on how to use it.
    "Think you can manage that?"
    "I'm not an idiot."
    He seemed prone to argue, but changed his mind. "If you hear an airplane, get outside as fast as you can and fire the flare straight up."
    "Why aren't you taking it with you?"
    The flare gun had been within Cooper's reach since they left the wreckage. "Because the roof of the cabin would be easier to spot than two men on foot. Keep this with you, too." Before she knew what he was about, he pulled the waistband of her slacks away from her body and slid the sheathed skinning knife inside. The smooth leather was cold against the naked skin of her abdomen. She gasped and sucked in her breath. He smiled at her startled reac t ion. "That should keep you mindful of where i t is at all times."
    "Why should I be mindful of that?"
    He stared into her eyes for a long moment. "Hopefully you'll never have to know why."
    She returned his stare. Up until that moment, she hadn't re alized how much she hated the thought of his leaving her behind. She had put up a courageous front, but the idea of co vering miles of wilderness on crutches had been overwhelming. In a way she was glad he had opted to go without her. But now t hat he was actually leaving, she wanted to cling to him and beg him not to.
    She didn't, of course. He had li tt le enough respect for her as it was. He though t she was a peered, pampered, city girl. Obviously h e was right, because at that moment, she was sorely dreading the hours she would have to spend until he came back for her.
    Cooper broke the telling stare and, with an impatient curse, turn ed away. "Cooper!"
    He spun back around. "What?" "Be.. .be careful."
    Within a heartbeat, she was anchored against his chest and his mouth was above hers, taking from it a scorching kiss that burned her soul. It surprised her so that she slumped against him. His arms tightened around her waist and drew her up so close and high that her toes dangled inches above his boots. She sought to regain her balance by clutching handfuls of his coat.
    His lips ground against hers. They were possessive and hard. But his tongue was soft and warm and wet. I t filled her mou t h, explored, stroked. A desire that had been building for forty-eight hours overcame his iron control. His self-discipline snapped, but he was still masterful. This was a no-nonsense kiss that had nothing to do with romance. It was a kiss of passion. Raw. Carnal. Selfish.
    Dizzily Rusty threw one of her arms around his neck and tilted her head back to give him deeper access, which he took. His stubbled jaw scraped her skin, but she didn't care. His mustache was surprisingly silky. It tickled and tantalized.
    All too soon for her, he broke the kiss, pulling his head back abruptly and leaving her lips parted and damp and wanting more.

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