Tutus & Cowboy Boots (Part 2)
happy. A part of me wants to know what’s in the package
Dad sent but I will deal with it tomorrow. Today is about me being
    Barrick opens the door for me, but when I
take a seat I notice a cutout star on the seat. I look to him, then
take it in my hand and read it quietly, “Cadence today is your day.
Take this star and make a birthday wish. Keep it with you and watch
your wish come true. Love, Barrick.”
    I pull the star to my chest and look at him.
“Thank you,” I say as he smiles and I know everything is going to
be perfect.
    Barrick turns the ignition and we make our
way to an unknown destination. Within thirty minutes, we’re on the
interstate heading toward Charlotte. When we pass the exit for the
airport, I take a deep breath. I don’t think I could handle a
surprise visitor. He continues toward downtown Charlotte, until he
parks in front of a restaurant that looks like a hole in the
    “I know it doesn’t look like much, but it’s
the best Italian food you will eat this side of the Mason-Dixon
    “Well, let’s see about that,” I say with a
wink. Barrick opens my door and we enter the quaint restaurant. The
lights are dim and Italian music softly plays through the speakers.
A middle-aged woman seats us at a corner booth. Barrick waits for
me to take a seat and then does the same. The waiter appears and
takes our drink orders.
    As he walks away, Barrick smiles at me.
“Well, what do you think so far?” he asks.
    “I feel like I’m in Lady and the Tramp, ” I
    “So it feels like a fairytale?”
    “Absolutely. How did you know about this
place?” I question.
    “It’s been around for years. My parents
visit here when they want to get away. They would bring Jade and I
here every once in a while.”
    The waiter reappears, takes
our order, and then we enjoy a sweet conversation while we wait for
our food. After our main course, the wait staff brings me a small
dessert and sings what I assume is “Happy
Birthday ” in
    As the candle is extinguished, I wish for a
perfect night with Barrick and whatever else he has planned.
    Watching Cadence enjoy her meal made me
extremely happy. She smiled, laughed, and even made a few jokes. I
feel as if we are the only two people in the world right now and I
wouldn’t trade this time with her for anything.
    After her birthday dessert, we leave and I
take her to Center City. It’s still early and the plans for the
remainder of the evening are still in the works. Cadence and I
explore the shops, people watch, and even stop to listen to a guy
playing his guitar on the side of the road. As we approach the
Center for the Performing Arts, I see her face light up when she
sees there’s a performance tonight.
    “Barrick, is this my surprise?” she
    “Maybe,” I state as I wrap my arm around her
waist and lead her toward the door. “You can also thank Ms. Mae,
your mom, and Jade.”
    “You mean you’re not taking all of the
credit?” she asks with a nudge.
    “They helped me decide on a show and find
the tickets. Jade is super resourceful when I need her to be,” I
say with a laugh.
    “Thank you,” she says as she pauses and
looks me in the eyes. I kiss her forehead as we make our way to the
ticket booth and enter the auditorium.
    Cadence’s emotions are all over her face as
she watches the ballet. I am so captivated by her that I end up
watching her instead of the stage. When it ends, she stands and
applauds as a tear falls from her face. As the house lights rise,
she smiles at me. I think she liked her surprise.
    As we drive back to
Delight, she keeps her hand locked in mine. When we are almost to
town, Jade’s name lights up on my phone. Please tell me you have everything ready. Cadence gives me a questioning look, but I don’t give anything
away. I just keep driving to our spot. When I pull onto the gravel
road, Cadence knows exactly where we are going and she smiles from
ear to ear.
    As we pull up

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