Tutor Me

Tutor Me by Hope Stillwater

Book: Tutor Me by Hope Stillwater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hope Stillwater
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conversation down as we were entering the cafeteria. “We’re getting there. So what else did I miss this weekend?”
    I didn’t confront Bryce about his hook-up. It did kind of piss me off, maybe because it bruised my ego, but it seemed better to just let it go. If we did get exclusive there would be a zero-tolerance policy but we weren’t there yet, and the Epic Kiss meant that I wasn’t blameless myself.
    Apparently frustrated by the lack of contact with me, and in spite of falling into the arms of another, Bryce insisted on taking me out to dinner that Tuesday. Making out in his sumptuous living room afterward, I felt him on my neck.
    “Ow! Bryce did you just give me a hickey? Jesus!” I shoved him away.
    “I guess I got carried away.” He had the nerve to wink.
    Carried away? Yeh right. I jumped off the couch and stomped over to the mirror above the mantel. Looking at my reflection, I groaned. Sure enough, there was a big purple spot on my neck. Ugh.
    I rounded on him. “It’s going to be like 90 degrees tomorrow: I can’t wear a turtleneck. I’m not kidding Bryce, I’m seriously pissed about this. Please drive me home.”
    We drove to my house in silence. After he’d pulled up in front Bryce swiveled in my direction, looking pissed himself. “You need a chill pill. You’re being a bitch about this. It’s practically invisible.”
    I glared at him and got out without bothering to reply.
    The next morning I put half a tube of cover up on my neck and wore my hair down and the offending hickey seemed well hidden. None of my teachers appeared to notice, which I suppose was the most important thing.
    Bryce came up to me at my locker between classes, to patch things up. “I’m really sorry about the hickey, babe.” He made a mock pouty frown, then added, “What does it matter anyway? Everyone knows we’re going out, and many girls would be happy to have my hickey.”
    “I am in charge of my own body and the impression I make. I don’t want the teachers to see this and change their opinions of me,” I hissed.
    He looked surprised by the vehemence of my response. He grabbed my hand. “Please don’t stay mad. I promise it won’t happen again.” He made these puppy dog eyes and I softened. We hugged before heading to class.
    I showed Lacey the hickey at lunch, before the others joined us at the table. “Look what Bryce gave me last night.”
    She inspected it. “I heard. You’ve done a pretty good job of covering it up at least. Anyone said anything?”
    “No, I don’t think anyone’s noticed, thank God. How did you hear about it?”
    “From Kai. Bryce told him. He said you were pretty pissed.”
    “Furious, actually. I do not appreciate being branded like a steer.”
    Lacey shrugged. “I never thought of it like that. I don’t know, when I like a guy I’m sort of proud if he gives me love bites, even if they are kind of trashy looking.” She looked at me carefully. “Do you always hate hickeys or is this about Bryce?”
    “I don’t want anyone giving me a hickey,” I said firmly. I was definitely not prepared to go there with her. Just then Alex and Chloe arrived with their trays so we dropped the conversation, thankfully.
    After school was the final test: Callum. I touched up the makeup in the rearview mirror of my car before ringing his doorbell. I felt confident after successfully hiding the hickey from everyone, but then again we’d be sitting right next to each other. And it would be odd to sit on the other side of him after all this time. I tried to keep my hair over my neck.
    We’d made it through most of the session, going over the latest chapter, when Callum suddenly leaned closer to peer at my neck. Oh here we go.
    “A hickey, Jenny? Fucking classy.” He looked totally repulsed. I flinched, but decided to take the high road.
    “None of your business. Let’s get back to work,” I said crisply, not making eye contact, hoping that would be the end of it.

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