Turbulent Sea
she was watching me, so I set out to prove I could get away with things. I was the child always climbing on the roof and trying to fly, or walking by myself to the store because they said no, they couldn't take me. And homework was for everyone else. I've played the drums since I was four and never went anywhere without my sticks." She pointed to the drumsticks just inches from her hand. She'd removed them from her back pocket and tossed them on the chair when Brian came onto the bus. "If it made noise or music, I had to have it. My dad nailed my window closed because I kept escaping."
    His eyes lit up, but he didn't smile. "I'll bet you were a hellion growing up. I've considered tying you to a bedpost upon occasion, and more than once I've wanted to turn you over my knee."
    "I might have liked it," she said with a saucy grin. "But I'm so glad you restrained yourself just in case."
    His eyebrow shot up. "In case you liked it? Knowing you, you probably would have. My punishment would have turned into a reward and then where would I be?" He reached out and snagged her hand, holding it up in the air between them. "Wrapped around your little finger like everyone else."
    He let her go, slowly, reluctantly, the pads of his fingers stroking down her bare palm, where he had marked her before his hand dropped away. His touch was electric. She felt that caress not only over her palm, but deep inside, between her legs, so that her womb clenched and liquid fire throbbed and burned.
    Joley stared at him, horrified that he could touch her inside , that his mark was not just a brand, but a sexual stimulant, so strong even her nipples had peaked and her breasts felt heavy and swollen. Her entire body ached for his. Her tongue touched suddenly dry lips. Did he know what he was doing? She was in way more trouble even than she'd first thought.
    "You're lethal. I don't think we can stay alone in this bus together. It isn't safe for you." But she didn't want him to leave. Just looking at him did something strange to her, filled her with a mixture of excitement and anticipation, but also peace, safety, as if she could lay everything down for a while and just let him take care of it.
    This time he did smile. Her heart nearly stopped. There was a heady exhilaration in knowing he rarely smiled and she'd managed to get the genuine article.
    Ilya pressed his palm over his heart. "You amaze me, Joley, all the time. One moment you lie your sexy little butt off, and the next, you're so honest you break my heart. I am sorry, you know. You took what happened last week entirely wrong."
    Joley stiffened. "I don't know what you're talking about."
    The smile lit his eyes—changed his entire face. He looked younger, more relaxed, still as tough as ever, but less intimidating. "There you go lying again. I did hurt you. I thought I might have, but I've never actually been in a relationship so I have no idea how to handle certain things. It would be best if you just told me the truth and made it easier for me. When we have children, we're going to be in trouble, you know that, don't you?"
    Her breath stilled in her lungs. He had never had a relationship? Ever ? The idea was both fascinating and terrifying.
    "I'm not having children. Whatever put that idea in your head? I'm not ever getting married. I'm going to be the favorite aunt and make all my sisters crazy by letting my nieces and nephews do whatever they want."
    Did she sound as scared as felt? The idea that Ilya might want more than a quick, frantic session in bed scared her to death. He was the kind of man who controlled all things in a relationship, and Joley needed freedom like she needed air to breathe. And yet, like the proverbial moth, she raced to the flame.
    "I really hate ruining your plans, but your idea of your future doesn't match what I have in mind for you."
    "And that matters?"
    He nodded. "Definitely." He not only looked completely confident and complacent, he sounded it as well.
    She wasn't

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