Tulips for Tonica

Tulips for Tonica by RaeLynn Blue Page B

Book: Tulips for Tonica by RaeLynn Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: RaeLynn Blue
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doubt. So the bodyguard had seen her come in.
    “Here’s your tea,” said a waiter, making Tonica flinch. The waiter stepped right into her field of vision. Now she couldn’t see Carte. “You ready to order?”
    “Yes, uh, I’ll have the, uh, California roll,” she said, scanning through the menu from its propped up position on the table. Yeah, the Cali roll would be the easiest to order, since she knew it by heart. “Thank you.”
    The waiter nodded and left.
    When the waiter vacated her view, she noticed that Carte had moved. In fact, he was gone! She frowned. Where the dickens had he got off to in such a short time?  She looked toward the door. Nope. The driver remained seated at the table.  Restroom? Maybe.
    She put the menu down on the table and stood up. Adjusting her coat, she slung her purse onto her shoulder and headed to the restroom. Her sneakers squirted cool water between her socked toes and she grimaced. When she reached the ladies restroom, she slowed and pretended to dig into her purse searching for some lost item. She wanted to see if she could wait until Carte came out of the neighboring door.
    She fished around her bag, counting to twenty. If he hadn’t appeared by the time she reached twenty, she’d make a show of going into the restroom.
    “You lose something miss?” asked a voice so velvety smooth, Tonica’s ears actually relaxed. “You can use my cell phone if you need to call someone.”
    Tonica looked up and in to the most vivid verdant eyes she’d ever seen. Like emeralds, they held her fast. Fire and shrewd intelligence burned deep in those orbs. Carte Seay. In. The. Flesh. Dressed in an immaculate navy suit, Carte gave her a smile so sinful, so full of carnal promise, she nearly came right there. Untouched, no foreplay, nothing but his smile beamed at her.
    Hot damn.
    A smile that had disarmed so many prosecutors and allowed so many paying clients to walk around free. Tonica reminded herself of whom she dealt with—not some Swiss god, but a walking cancer—a defense attorney.
    Wheat-brown hair seemed to pulsate around him. Cut long in the front, and shorter all around made his eyes seem all the more green, and the fine line of stubble sprouting along his jawline made him look less polished, but rugged. Like sex with him wouldn’t be stilted and boring, but rough and rugged—good Lord help her.
    “I, uh, I…” she stammered, unable to make herself think past that alluring smile. Strong white teeth, even and handsome in his luscious mouth—a mouth made to suckle her nipples, kiss her clit and make her melt. Yep. That mouth. Right. There.
    She swallowed.
    “I noticed you’re eating alone,” Carte said, smirking now at her. “You could eat with me, at my table.”
    “You?” she spat through a wad of horniness and horrible indecision.
    “Yes.” He frowned at her and then his eyes brightened, his face relaxed. “Oh, yes, forgive my bad manners. You have no idea who I am...”
    Tonica had every idea of who he was, and despite the allegations against him, the fine ass attorney held her to the spot and drained all logical thoughts from her brain-except for one. The one operating her libido.
    “…I’m Carte Seay.” He extended his hand formally. “And you are?”
    “Um, oh, Tonica.” Her brain misfired under the heat of his gaze.
    Damn it. She can’t believe she gave him her real name. Olivia was going to kill her—kill her for sure.
    She shook his hand, and he let his fingers linger on hers. So soft, as if they’d never done a day of labor—ever. Those palms would feel so nice cupping her breasts, gliding down her stomach to her beating desire. Slipping into her wet heat, thumbing her clit and making her…
    “Very nice to meet you, Tonica. When you come back from the restroom, you will join me at my table,” Carte said, taking his hand back with another small smile. He looked at his hand and then back at her. “I insist.”
    “I don’t think that’s a good

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