Tuesday's Child

Tuesday's Child by Clare Revell

Book: Tuesday's Child by Clare Revell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clare Revell
Tags: Christian fiction
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back to look at the prone figure lying on the ground, blood spilling from her body in an ever growing flood. Paramedics worked ceaselessly on the motionless woman, counting aloud as they did.
    Tears filled Adeline’s eyes. Her whole body shook, and she glanced down, seeing the blood on her hands and clothes.
    Lord God, be with Mrs. Williams’ family right now. Preserve her life, but if it’s Your will to take her, then take her now, don’t let the paramedics try too long. Be with the government and security services as they try to make some sense from this. And be with the whole country as we come to terms with this horrific act.
    Nate gripped her elbow firmly, as he ran to a marked police car, pulling her with him. Pain soared though her arm. She swallowed hard as nausea rose. Stars danced in front of her eyes. She tripped and would have fallen had he not held her.
    “Please...” She needed to slow down. But in the chaos reigning around them, she wasn’t sure if Nate even heard her, never mind responded, because he kept his face averted as he ran.
    They reached the car and he put her inside, then climbed in. The car pulled away before she’d even had time to do up her seatbelt. Adeline closed her eyes, blissfully shutting herself off from the turmoil around her.
    I don’t want to believe what just happened. Someone shot the Prime Minister. They shot her right in front of me. It could have been me…was it meant to be me? It can’t be. She’s an important woman. I’m a no one.
    The journey was short. She wasn’t sure if that was a blessing or not. As soon as the car stopped, Nate touched her arm. He leapt out of the car and ran around the other side.
    Once inside the safety of the police station, he led her to one of the interview rooms and sat her down. “Stay there. I’ll get someone to look at your arm.”
    “I have to get back to work.”
    He shook his head. “No. You stay here.” He moved back to the door.
    Adeline pulled out her phone. She texted Jasmine. ‘ Jas. The PM got shot. Not sure when I’ll be back. Put news on. Think she’s dead .’
    She slid the phone back into her pocket and looked around for Nate. He stood in the doorway talking to one of the other officers. Adeline watched his face. “...tea and then I’ll talk to her. No, I’ll do it. She was right next to Mrs. Williams when she was shot. Get Dane to ring Jas and ask her to…” He turned away and she couldn’t see any more.
    Tears filled her eyes, and she looked down at Ben. He licked her hand and wagged his tail. He always knew when she was upset and tried to cheer her up. “I know, buddy,” she told him. “Me too.” She was caught in some kind of a nightmare. The phone in her pocket vibrated and she pulled it out. The caller ID read Jasmine. She answered. “Hey, Jas.”
    She read the reply. “What’s going on? The news is chaotic. They’re saying the Prime Minister is critical.”
    “Yeah. I was right next to her. I caught her when she fell.”
    “What? Are you hurt? Where are you?”
    “I’m at the police station with Nate. Dane’s around somewhere—” She broke off seeing blood on her hands.
    Shaking hard, she looked down at herself. Blood lay thick and heavy over her white coat. The Prime Minister’s blood. She dropped the phone, nausea rising. A strangled cry rose up and out before she could stop it. Trembling fingers tried to undo the coat buttons, but failed.
    Ben nudged her leg. Black shoes appeared on the edge of her field of vision. Strong hands covered hers, helping her. She glanced up into Nate’s concerned face. He undid her coat and pulled it off. She cried out in pain as her arm moved awkwardly.
    “Take a couple of deep breaths. We’ll need the coat for now. I’ll get a doc in here to check you over, then you can go and clean up before we take your statement.”
    Adeline nodded slightly. Her skirt was stained, too. “I dropped my phone.”
    He picked it up and handed it to her. “There you

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