Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotions
learned days later that her doctor feared she might have non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the most aggressive form of the disease. More tests were needed, and she was told it might take two or three weeks before a confirmed diagnosis could be reached.
    I asked my friend how she got through those weeks of uncertainty and if she was afraid.
“Yes, I was afraid,”
she said.
“But I also knew that whatever the outcome was, it would be no surprise to God.”
Then she said something else that might be of help to you. She told me that she realized if she worried for three weeks and then learned that she had lymphoma, she would have wasted three valuable weeks of her life. And if she worried for three weeks and learned that she did not have lymphoma, she would have still wasted three valuable weeks of her life.
“Believe it or not,”
she said,
“I didn’t lose a minute’s sleep for those twenty-one days.”
    When the tests finally came back, my friend learned that she did indeed have non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She had surgery and endured many months of chemo. I’m pleased to tell you that, ten years later, she’s in terrific health. And she didn’t waste three valuable weeks.
    Trust in Him What are you afraid of? No matter what you are going through, it’s no surprise to God. He’s not unsure of what’s around the corner or unprepared for whatever you’re going through. Put your trust in Him and be confident in His plans for your life.

March 8
Are You Using Your Faith?
    … Think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
    ROMANS 12:3 NIV
    I t may sound spiritual to say,
“I am full of faith,”
but are you
your faith? Faith is released by praying, saying, and doing whatever God asks us to do.
. Most of us believe that prayer is powerful, so that should always be our first response. We invite God to get involved in our situations through our prayers. The Bible says tremendous power is made available through the prayers of a righteous man. Since we have been given the righteousness of God through our faith in Christ, we can come boldly to the throne of grace, and by faith, ask for help in plenty of time to meet our need (see Heb. 4:16). Don’t merely pray for the problem to go away, or that you will get something you need or desire, but also pray that God will strengthen you during your waiting period. Pray that you will have the grace to wait with a good attitude. A good attitude glorifies God and is a good witness of our faith to others.
. After we have prayed, it’s important that we talk as if we truly believe God is working in our favor. We don’t have to deny the existence of the problem, but we should talk about it as little as possible. It is also very important to include in our conversation that we believe God is involved and we are expecting a breakthrough. Hold fast your confession of faith in God!
. The third ingredient in releasing your faith is to do whatever you believe God is asking you to do. Obedience is a key to our victory and shows that we have faith in God. Sometimes He even asks us to do nothing, and in that case, nothing is what we need to do.
    If we are hearers of the Word and not doers, we are deceiving ourselves through reasoning that is contrary to the truth (see James 1:22).Satan will use fear to steal our destiny if we allow him to, but our faith has more power than fear when it is released.
    Trust in Him Are you using the faith God has given you? Release your faith by praying, saying, and doing, while you put your trust in Him.

March 9
God Wants You to Be You
    And Moses said to God, Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?
    EXODUS 3:11
    W hen God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land, Moses gave one excuse after another as to why he could not obey. All his excuses were rooted in fear. When Moses finally did take a step of faith, which

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