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Book: Trusted by Jacquelyn Frank Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacquelyn Frank
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going to say was cut off when he suddenly jerked her body against his and seized her mouth in a blinding kiss. Her breath was arrested in her chest as heat speared into her alongside the thrust of his tongue deep in her mouth. Both of his hands went to cradle her head, holding her in place for the attack. Her body bent into his, attaching itself to him from chest to toes, and her arms clung to him desperately, her hands gripping his biceps helplessly.
    He stole her breath away, made her head feel light and dizzy. She had never been kissed so passionately before. It was a very different kiss from what they had shared in the garden.
    He pulled himself off of her with a jerk. She stared into his now violet eyes, seeing the dark heat of his desire for her. He was drawing hard for breath, as was she. His hands gripped her around her head as he stared hard into her eyes.
    “You did not know how to kiss a man before today, am I correct?”
    “I-I have shared kisses with—“
    “But never a man.”
    “No. Never,” she said, her voice soft and small.
    “And yet now you can kiss like that. Kiss well enough to drive me insane with need.”
    “Oh! I—did not mean to!”
    “My point, Sarea, is that all it takes is the right partner. With the proper partner, learning becomes much easier.” He blew out a steadying breath. “I will teach you to dance. You will not trip over your own feet and you will look elegant and beautiful as you dance. This I promise you. But I must ask a barter in return.”
    She swallowed, never knowing what he was going to do next. “What is it you would like?” she asked softly.
    “More of these,” he said, swooping in to kiss her again with the same blistering heat. He kissed her so hotly that her body came alive and began to crave things. Wild things. It craved the feel of his hands on her. But all he did was hold her head between them, his fingertips rubbing and tunneling into her hair.
    When he broke from her they were both drawing hard for breath. Then he seemed to remember where they were, how nearly public they were standing in the shadows of the terrace. He stood straighter, his body having bent to make more secure contact with hers. He rubbed a thumb longingly across her bottom lip.
    “Do we have a bargain?” he asked, his voice deep and husky.
    All she could do was nod. She should have said no. She should be denying him access to her, not granting more. But she was lured by the tempting whisper of more searing kisses. Kisses that made her body and her soul come alive. Her heart was pounding at the very thought of it.
    He put her a step away from himself then took a deep breath. He took in the sight of her from head to toe and then seemed to shake himself to attention.
    “Come, let’s take you to your mother before I pull you back into the shadows,” he growled.
    She flushed, but for some reason felt infinitely pleased with herself. Then she realized it was because he found her too tempting to resist. What a powerful feeling that was! Perhaps he was right. Perhaps she did have all the power in their relationship.
    She had a feeling she was about to find out just how true that was.

Chapter Eight
    Garrick couldn’t sleep. His mind was whirling with images of a fair face and impressions of a hot kiss. Their encounter in the gardens and on the terrace consumed his thoughts. Though she had left him hours ago it was as though she had not left at all. He had gotten nothing done the rest of the afternoon and he could not explain it to himself.
    Here was a girl, an innocent no less…and he definitely believed her to be innocent. It was not an act. Those shy blushes were real enough. But here was an innocent girl standing in the face of his experience and his boldness, and she had all but brought him to his knees with a kiss. Just a simple kiss.
    No. There had been nothing simple about those kisses. And the innocence of them had quickly burned off. She was full of

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