True Beginnings

True Beginnings by Willow Madison

Book: True Beginnings by Willow Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Madison
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is leaning in towards Max.
    Dan cuts in though, "I'll tell you later." He says this to Max, but again with a smile. "Let's go to the place with the good noddles...down the street..." He and Becca discuss which place he means, arguing over who has the best noodles.
    I only snuggle into Max's arm more. He kisses my cheek and says into my ear, "I'm proud of you." It sends that same electric current from my stomach to my pussy. Dan is watching us again.

Chapter 9 HIM
    I hang up. Jake still won't answer my calls. I've left him voicemails and texts, but he needs his space still. Dan said he hadn't heard from him either.
    Dan...I shake my head thinking about him. It's been a week since Jake left Julia, since Lucy confessed to Dan that she's fine with me disciplining her, since Dan accepted this. He surprised me at the office on Wednesday. Asked if I would go for a drink with him. I called Lucy and told her to wait at home for me. I haven't let her go out all week. Continued punishment for her lies, she's grounded from seeing her friends outside of work next week too.
    Dan was shy about talking, but I just waited him out. Finally, he blurted out that he'd told Becca about Lucy and me. He'd laughed.
    "Becca wasn't even surprised or shocked at all!" I wasn't surprised by that. She has more understanding of relationships than Dan. He tends to be more of a what you see is what you get kinda guy. It was harder for him to think that there was more to what he suspected all along. He's coming around though.
    "She said she always thought you were kinky!" Dan said this with a big laugh. Of course, saying that his wife didn't really give my sexual preferences much thought...not really, of course, with more laughter. "She even said it's in all of her favorite smut books, so who knows..." He'd looked embarrassed, but we cheered to ourselves for finding happiness. He accepts that Lucy and I are happy with our arrangement.
    He also asked if I told Mike. I told him I intended to...when the time is right of course. No more secrets or hiding anymore. He only nodded at this. He doesn't want to be put in the middle of anything. He knows I wouldn't do that to him, though.
    I hear Lucy getting out of the shower. Good. I smile to myself thinking of the afternoon she has in store.
    "Lucy, come here." I use my deepest voice, barely louder than normal. She is standing in the doorway in an instant, hair dripping down her wet body, towel pressed to her side.
    "Can I dry off first?" She knows better than this. I clench my jaw, but she jumps to come to me before I have to do more than this.
    She tries to put the towel around herself to stop from puddling on the floor. I grab it out of her hand and throw it on the ground. Water runs down her legs, off her hair, drops magnify her erect nipples. Her gorgeous look of fear is perfect. She puts her arms behind her back automatically. My good girl.
    "Lucy, last week I administered a punishment for what misbehaviour?"
    "I didn't get your persmission before making plans." She says this quickly. She's not likely to forget that rule any time soon.
    "And have you done this since then?" I already know the answer.
    "No, Sir." She looks down, "You grounded me...And I wouldn't ever do that again...Sir!" She is quick to add, in case I mistook her words for pouting. She is a good student!
    "Good." I sit on the bed. "Go get the belt." She stops herself from saying anything, but her whole body twitches with fear and the question I know she's thinking. "Don't make me tell you again, little girl." This has her moving quickly to the closet.
    She comes back just as quickly, laying the belt next to me. Her flesh is goosebumps, her nipples painfully erect and dark, her hair still dripping water down her back and tits. Her arms where they should be again.
    "Lucy, you have a spanking coming today." She tears up, but doesn't do more than quiver her lips at this. Such a beautiful look of fear in her eyes. She's

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