Trouble Triangle (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy)

Trouble Triangle (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy) by Travis Casey

Book: Trouble Triangle (Tyler's Trouble Trilogy) by Travis Casey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Travis Casey
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going to say something stupid, or does it surprise you as much as everyone else? 'Do you want to have sex?'" he mocked, "'Only if you're not gay.' It's a good thing you're not Dutch. That little boy just used his finger. You…you use your dick to plug dykes." He held his stomach as he laughed some more.
    "It wasn't quite like that. It just slipped out. I wondered if she dumped Debbie because she knew she wanted kids some day. She slapped my face and told me to get out."
    "I don't blame her. Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about Miss Holly anymore. Sounds like you're well and truly dumped. Be happy, that's what you wanted."
    I took another drag of my cigarette. "I dunno . I got used to her. She's kinda fun, really. I didn't think about it till she dumped me. Now that I can't have her, I want her. I think I actually like her." She was certainly an anything goes kind of girl in the bedroom. Like a sex educa tion class with hands-on demos.
    Mark looked at his watch again.
    "You going somewhere?" I asked.
    "As it happens, yeah. While you were poking around the Holly bush last night, Debbie stopped by. I got a date."
    I sprang to my feet. "With Debbie?" My heart fluttered an d I immediately felt betrayed.
    "Whoa. Touch a nerve, did I?" He waved a hand in the air. "Relax, no, it's not with Debbie." He motioned a sit down gesture. "You got a bit worked up, almost jealous like. God, I don't want anything to do with the women you get involved with. None of them seem too mentally stable, much like their boyfriend." He smirked. "She's got a girlfriend, straight, before you ask, who wants to meet a nice guy. She said she thought of me. She probably figured you were too busy."
    "So you're taking one of Debbie's friends on a date?"
    He nodded.
    "Good, I'm pleased for you. Where ya goin '?"
    "Museum. Debbie said she's a good laugh and she showed me a picture of her. She's quite a looker. She works in Payroll. I'm picking her up at her dorm at one this afternoon, then we're taking a bus down to the museum, and then dinner. I'm hoping she's nice."
    "Museum, huh?"
    "Yeah, Debbie says she a real art and history buff, and I'm pretty much into that stuff myself. It should be cool."
    "Well, good luck, buddy. I hope it works out for you." I stood up and patted him on the shoulder.
    "Thanks." Mark gave himself the once over in the mirror and left, on his way to what sounded like an intellectual date. But I wasn't jealous. My dates were screwed up but fun.
    I walked over to Debbie's dorm, hoping she'd be in. As I got to her building, she came out.
    "I didn't expect to see you this weekend," she said, "I thought you were staying with Holly."
    "Long story. You going anywhere in particular?"
    "No, just down to the geedunk bar. I like sitting there looking over the harbor at the ships and subs."
    "Mind if I join you?"
    "What if someone sees me walking and sitting with Miss Knight's boyfriend?"
    "I'll tell you all about it when we get there."
    We walked down to the geedunk bar which was nothing more than several vending machines and half a dozen picnic tables sitting on a slightly raised concrete patio. Being the weekend, we were the only ones there.
    Debbie bought a couple of candy bars, known as geedunk in Navy slang, and I splashed out on the cokes. We sat down and admired the haze gray vessels moored on the other side of the harbor, and the black sails of the subs, menacingly sitting above the surface of the water.
    "So, you set Mark up, huh?"
    She popped her can of coke and took a drink. "Yeah, I think Mark's a really nice guy. My friend, Lori, wanted to meet someone, so I hooked them up. I think they'll like each other."
    "I hope it works out for ' em ," I said while I unwrapped my Three Musketeers bar.
    "So, you wanna tell me why you're here and not wit h the lovely Holly?" she asked.
    "We kind of had a fight. Well, I didn't do much fighting. I thought she was dropping hints about having a kid and I kinda freaked." I took a bite and enjoyed

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