Tripp in Love

Tripp in Love by Tressie Lockwood

Book: Tripp in Love by Tressie Lockwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tressie Lockwood
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Chapter One
    She glanced in the rearview mirror and grumbled under her breath. “Perfect, just freaking perfect.” The cop’s lights flashed, and he’d given his siren one swift blare before he’d turned it off. Toya hit the brake to slow down and then pulled to the side of the road. She grabbed her purse and began searching through it while the cop was doing his thing in his car, probably looking up her tag number. She sighed and then froze. Her wallet wasn’t in her purse.
    “Of all times…” She stretched across the seat to check her glove compartment, but she never put her wallet there. The sides of the seats produced nothing, and her suitcase in the back seat didn’t have it. “Oh damn, I’m in trouble.”
    He knocked on her window while she searched the glove compartment again. She peered at him, but his gaze was lowered to her skirt, which had hiked half-way up to her snatch. She’d intended to wear tights with the piece, but inside the car, she always got overheated. Now her legs were exposed. Did she dare use the sexy woman card to get out of being hauled off to jail for driving without a license? She better try something that was for sure.
    Straightening, she lowered the window. “Hello, officer,” she said in an almost unintentional breathy tone.
    “Ma’am, you mind cutting your engine?” The question was more of a command. She did as he asked and sat back. She didn’t have to look to know that her silk blouse was undone by a few buttons, showing off her cleavage. The officer might not be into black women, but he might not mind the view just for the sake of it. He cleared his throat. “Do you know how fast you were going?”
    “I’m sorry.” She looked directly into his face for the first time and had to catch her breath. Okay, now she was at a loss. The man was gorgeous. His eyes were light blue, framed by thick, dark lashes that matched his full head of wild curls. Although his cheeks were red, no doubt from slipping in and out of his car into the cold February weather, the color only enhanced his strong jawline, straight nose, and thick, kissable lips.
    He wore full policeman regalia, including the CB hanging from his shoulder on his coat. The big chest and gun at his hip added to the sense of power she felt from him. Her breath came in quick spurts, and she couldn’t think of what to say to charm him. Come on, Toya, get it together, girl. You have men eating out of your palm all the time at work.
    “License and registration,” he intoned, seemingly unmoved by her appearance. She didn’t think she was drop-dead gorgeous, but she was no joke either. She kept herself in reasonable shape, with a few extra pounds. But getting hit on all the time told her men found her attractive—black and white. Was this man dead or what?
    She offered him her best pout, which resulted in a frown from him. “I kind of…forgot it,” she said.
    He took one step back. “You want to step out of the car, ma’am.”
    She grunted. “Really? You have to keep calling me ma’am?”
    His eyebrows went up, and she muttered an apology as she stepped out of the car. Never in her life had she been arrested, and now she was about to. To her embarrassment, tears started in her eyes and a slight tremor shook her body. That was just great, she was going to cry, and she hadn’t meant to. Besides, they wouldn’t work on him anyway. He was immune. Or gay.
    “I didn’t mean to come without it, trust me. I can’t believe I forgot. I’m from New York, and I’m down here for my brother’s funeral. I have to stay in a hotel, so I didn’t intend to come without my ID or credit cards.”
    With that little speech, the corner of his mouth turned up, and his disbelief was obvious. “You expect me to accept that you were speeding to a funeral?”
    Keeping control of her temper was an effort. “No, I admit I was speeding, and I am on my way to my brother’s funeral. Whether you believe it or not is up to you.”

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