
Trifecta by Pam Richter

Book: Trifecta by Pam Richter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pam Richter
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    "Bruno evidently doesn't attack women."
    "Consider the source of that information," Robin
warned.  "You'll be going to his home tomorrow.  He'll try to pump you for
more information, to see if you have any suspicions about Brian's death.  It's essential
that you don't let him think you do."
    "I'll be careful," Julia said.
    "All we know is that someone manipulated those machines
at the hospital.  I'll try to find out what kind of medical expertise that would
take.  Maybe it was a bribed hospital employee."
    "The person may have disconnected the machines so
Brian could be injected with heroin, if that's what they have available and Quijada's
behind it.  An overdose could be fatal, especially for someone in fragile condition."
    "We could go to the police right now," Robin
    "If we're wrong, it would be a horrible thing to do
to Aaron Quijada.  I don't want Brian exhumed for a postmortem autopsy unless it's
absolutely necessary.  It might kill my grandmother.  She's very distraught.  It
was hard to leave her to come here.  But I convinced her it was important to finish
Brian's last work."
    "Well, it might eventually evolve into a real police
investigation.  But first we have to get more evidence.  We'll have to be careful,
though, because he's a powerful man, and if he's not responsible, I agree, we don't
want to make premature allegations.  It would be unwise, considering his influential
position in Los Angeles.  And you have to be extremely careful when you're dealing
with him.  Maybe Brian will have left clues in his notes."
    Julia nodded.  "I think I'll be safe working there
for a while.  But if something happened to Brian, it could happen to you, too. 
You could be putting yourself in danger, just because you're helping me.  For that
reason I'll pay you for your time, at the very least.  This might be hazardous duty."
    If there had ever been a time to tell her he was a lawyer,
it was now, Robin thought. 
    "I could hire a private detective," Julia said,
when he hesitated.  "They get about two hundred dollars a day, plus expenses
for use of the car and, well, I don't know what else, really.  If you want to go
on with this investigation, I will insist."
    She just might hire someone, Robin thought.  But he knew
he could do the work as well as any detective.  He would probably be more discrete. 
No one would ever guess that he was involved, and Quijada might find out if she
hired someone, which could put her in danger.
    Robin smiled at her naivete.  He usually received at least
two hundred dollars an hour for his time as an attorney.  "If you really insist,
I'll accept your offer." 
    Robin didn't feel guilty about the money she would spend
on him.  He knew he was worth it.  And Robin had not only done research on Aaron
Quijada.  He had looked into Julia's background.  Her parents had died when she
was very young and had left her a virtual fortune.
    Robin thought her smile was just beautiful when he accepted
her offer.  He stood up and put out his hand to complete the contract, but he admitted
it was mostly because wanted to touch her.
    When Julia took his hand she felt a shock of electricity
go through her whole body, like a quick wave of heat.  His hand was very warm and
felt large and substantial.  Comforting somehow.  It was odd.  To cover her surprise
at the strangely immediate physical reaction, Julia quickly asked him to show her
around his apartment. 
    She had already seen the kitchen and bathroom, so Robin
took her through the apartment, ending up in the office.  She made nice comments
about his pictures on the wall, saying that she was a sports fan also.  Then she
walked across the hall to the door of the bedroom.
    "It's a mess in there.  I would rather..."
    She had already opened the door.  She just stood there
for a minute, and then she started giggling.  He thought her reaction was charming. 
She didn't seem embarrassed at all and he wondered why. 

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