Treasured Find (Royal Pride Book 1)

Treasured Find (Royal Pride Book 1) by Nancy Corrigan

Book: Treasured Find (Royal Pride Book 1) by Nancy Corrigan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Corrigan
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birth control.”
    “Is that a yes?”
    She blew out a breath. “Yes. Let’s get a room.”
    He skimmed his hand over her chest, teasing the points of her nipples, then slid his fingers lower to rest over her belly. “No, I’ll take you home. Love you in your bed, in every damn room in your house.”
    Panic flared in her wide-eyed glare. She shook her head. “No. Not my house. If we’re doing this, it’ll be in a hotel.”
    He didn’t want to have sex with her in a generic hotel. He wanted the memory of their lovemaking to be in her bed so she’d think of him every time she went to sleep, but he wouldn’t argue. It was her choice.
    Rafe kissed her once more, a soft brush of lips, and eased back. “Then, let’s find the closest place. I’m hungry for you.”

Chapter Thirteen
    The closest hotel was fifteen-minutes from town. Jazz had settled in for the drive and allowed the music playing to fill the silence. She couldn’t have engaged in small talk even if she tried.
    Her belly churned. Nerves caused her unease. For one, she was planning to have sex with a man she’d only met the day before. There’d be no blaming it on getting caught up in the moment. She knew exactly what she was setting herself up for—falling for a guy who wasn’t from the area. That brought a slew of risks, a broken heart when he left being one of them.
    The other reason stemmed from his offer of a guard to watch over her boys. It wasn’t that she worried they’d see him. Seth and Levi would never even know Rafe’s brother sat in the woods. Mr. Wilkins had postponed their campout due to the threat of rain overnight. They planned on camping in the living room with sleeping bags and microwaved s’mores, along with more westerns on the television. It was just that Rafe’s offer seemed a little…odd.
    She lived in the middle of nowhere, and their crime rate was non-existent. She felt safe. More importantly, she was comfortable leaving her boys to play outside and go to preschool. They looked human enough, and with the heavy-scented soaps they used, she didn’t fear some stray shifter would smell them. The trick had been one of the few tips their mother had hurriedly given before Jazz had taken off with Seth and Levi.
    There was absolutely no reason for Rafe to hire his brother to watch over her boys—kids Rafe had never even met. Unless of course, his motive was to protect Seth and Levi from trouble Rafe might’ve brought with him. Would a security guard make enemies?
    “Tell me about your job. What’s it like bring a security guard?”
    “I wouldn’t exactly call myself a security guard.”
    “You work as an undercover cop, then?” That would explain his concern for her kids.
    Rafe cut her a glance. “Not exactly. I help out with government work and private sector jobs. Some security, some investigations. Wherever my skills are needed.”
    She turned slightly in her seat. “What kind of skills?”
    He slid his fisted hand over the steering wheel. “Tracking missing persons. Gathering intel. Boring stuff, mostly.”
    A job he no doubt got involved in because of the disappearance of his sister. “Is it dangerous?”
    He shrugged. “It could be. Usually not, though.”
    “What brought you here?” She sat up straighter. “It wasn’t anything dangerous, was it? Is that the real reason for sending your brother to watch over Seth and Levi?”
    “No. We came following a paper trail, and I told you why I sent Kade to your boys. I guess in the back of my mind I did it for protection. I hope you don’t mind.” He focused his intense gaze on her for a long moment before turning his attention to the road. “I know how easily kids can disappear. It would kill me to know something happened to your boys while you were with me.”
    A warm feeling spread through her. She could almost pretend Rafe was more than a lover. It was a dangerous dream to let grow, but it was hard to stop. He not only anticipated her needs, both

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