Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt by Titania Woods

Book: Treasure Hunt by Titania Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Titania Woods
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    Chapter One
    The sun shone brightly as Twink Flutterby skimmed over summer-green fields with her mother and sister. On such a lovely morning, the journey to Glitterwings Academy should have been the most delightful thing in the world.
    Twink hardly noticed it. She cast furtive glances at her mother as they flew. Although Mrs Flutterby was clearly trying to act as if nothing was wrong, she seemed tired and worried. Twink bit her lip, wondering whether she should mention what she had overheard the night before.
    Fortunately, Teena was too excited about returning to school to pick up on the mood. ‘Oh, I can hardly wait!’ she cried, doing a quick somersault in the air. ‘Are we almost there, Mum?’
    â€˜Almost,’ said Twink’s mother. ‘It’s just over this hill.’
    â€˜Hurrah!’ Teena darted ahead, her wings a lavender blur. A moment later she was back again. ‘Mum, I can see Zuzu! I’m going to go and say hello, all right?’ Without waiting for an answer, Twink’s little sister sped off to greet her best friend.
    In the sudden silence, Twink’s mother gave her a keen look. ‘You’re very quiet today. Is something wrong?’
    Twink looked down at her oak-leaf bag, playing with its clasp. ‘No, I’m fine,’ she said.
    Her mother touched her arm, bringing them both to a halt. ‘Are you sure?’ Her violet eyes were gentle and worried.
    Twink could hold it in no longer. ‘Oh, Mum, I – I heard you and Dad talking about Gran last night, and how you have to go to her straight away. What’s wrong? Is she all right?’ Her words tumbled over each other.
    Her mother winced. ‘Oh, Twink . . . we were hoping that we wouldn’t have to worry you. I – well, I’m afraid your gran isn’t very well.’
    â€˜What’s wrong with her?’ asked Twink. Her wings felt cold, despite the warmth of the summer day.
    â€˜Come, let’s sit down,’ said her mother, gliding towards the ground. When they were both settled on a smooth round stone, she put her arm around Twink. ‘You know that your gran caught that wing-chill last month,’ she said.
    Twink leaned against her mother’s side. ‘Yes, but – but you and Dad said it wasn’t serious,’ she mumbled.
    â€˜It wasn’t,’ said her mother. ‘And she’s mostly over it now, but she’s not really perking up the way she should. The doctor says that she’s gone into the Doldrums.’
    The word sent a shiver up Twink’s spine. ‘What’s that?’ she whispered.
    â€˜It’s – well, it’s when a fairy feels a bit down,’ said Twink’s mother. ‘She needs cheering up, you see. So your father and I are going to go and visit her, and do what we can.’
    â€˜Will she be all right?’ Twink gazed anxiously into her mother’s eyes.
    Her mother hesitated, and then gave a firm nod. ‘Yes, I’m sure she will be. We just have to think positive.’
    Twink’s heart seemed to miss a beat. What did that mean? Was her gran going to be all right or not?
    â€˜But Twink, please don’t tell Teena,’ added her mother. ‘I don’t want to worry her.’ She smiled ruefully, smoothing Twink’s long pink hair. ‘I didn’t want to worry you either, but maybe it’s better that you know. I keep forgetting how grown-up you are now.’

    In spite of everything, Twink felt a rush of pride that her mother thought she was growing up.
    â€˜Don’t worry, I won’t tell Teena,’ she said. ‘But Mum . . .’ she paused, uncertain how to put her fears into words. She just knew she’d feel a lot less worried if her mother didn’t seem so concerned.
    Her mother squeezed her arm as if she understood. ‘Gran will be fine, darling; I promise. Now, let’s fly on to school before Teena starts to wonder where

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