any of it. Though Kyo had not said as much, Taka had the definite impression that they would not be returning to Kundou. The thought was troubling, saddening, but he would not worry about it until he had good reason to worry about it—no sense in worrying about the journey before the ship arrived to begin it.
    Except the ship had arrived, and it was waiting, and Taka had absolutely no idea where they were going, or to what purpose. All he knew was that he probably wasn't going to like it.
    By the time Kyo finally returned, Taka had run out of things to do and given up at any attempts to eat; his appetite was having none of that while his anxiety was high. Kyo looked exhausted, but pleased—far too pleased.
    Taka sighed, loud and long. "What did you do?"
    Kyo smirked and locked the door then motioned for Taka to follow him into his bedroom where he also locked the door. He motioned for Taka to light more of the lamps, then closed the balcony doors and locked them as well.
    "Kyo, what in the storms'—" He broke off as Kyo pulled an unmistakable object from his sash, holding the surprisingly unremarkable diamond-like stone aloft between his thumb and finger. It was beautiful, shaped somewhat like an eye and so small Taka always marveled no one had ever lost it.
    Normally, it would have been secured to a chain around the throat of either the king or the crown prince. Fear made Taka's blood run cold. "Kyo, why do you have the Eye of the Storm?"
    "Because this entire journey will be pointless if I do not take it," Kyo said. "Dawn is only a few hours away, and Taiheiyou is passed out in his room from drinking too much."
    Taka sighed. "Drinking too much, or drinking whatever you slipped into his wine?"
    "Both," Kyo said dismissively. "No one will notice it is missing until the Eye is well away from Kundou. By that point, it will be too late for them to get it back."
    "You're going to leave Kundou without protection? Kyo … " Taka ran out of words. He had no idea what he should say. The Eye of the Storm was all that kept the terrible storms out at sea, kept the mermaids from making a full on assault on land.
    Kyo tucked the Eye away again. "Do not worry so much, Taka. The mermaids will be too busy coming after me and the stone to worry about attacking Kundou. And we are the children of the storms; it will do the people good to remember that and learn how to face them instead of always hiding from them. I promise you, this is necessary."
    "First you give me away, now you are stealing the Eye and running away—Kyo, if you do not stop all this nonsense, you will get yourself killed!"
    "No one is going to kill me," Kyo said firmly. "I won't permit it. I am the only one allowed to take my life."
    Taka glared at him. "Shut up. What about everyone else you are endangering—"
    "I am doing what I must! Trust me or don't, Taka, but either way I have set my course, and I am staying it."
    "Fine," Taka said. "I was able to get the shears when I went to get my dinner. Sit down and I will cut your hair, and then we can rest for a couple of hours before dawn."
    "Thank you," Kyo replied softly and obediently went to sit at his dressing table.

Chapter Six: A Battle Lost
    Kin wondered if he could lock them all in a cabin and pretend they weren't there until they arrived at their destination. He could assign one of his men to see to it they were regularly fed and didn't kill each other, and he'd be able to enjoy the voyage in relative peace.
    He sighed as the harbor bells rang, announcing the formal arrival of dawn. And there they were, two unmistakable figures approaching the ship. They must have spent a lot of time together, he thought cynically, given the way they moved together, so similar right down to the way they walked. He watched from the ship as Raiden greeted them and led the way up the gangway. Sailors approached to take and stow the satchels they carried, and then Raiden guided them across the ship to the Captain's quarters.

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