Transcending Queen
    “You have to believe that I’m sorry.” He
    “I talked to Luann, she told me about your
relationship. Admit it, I’m nothing special. You make a habit of
toying with women.”
    “No, you’re wrong! That happened so long ago,
it should’ve never been.”
    “Like us?”
    “Not like us, we’re meant to be with each
other. I admit I’m not who you think I am.”
    “Stop, say nothing. I’m so tired of this
crap.” I demanded as I opened the door, made my way through and
tried to slam it in his face when his foot abruptly stopped it. I
burst into tears, “Please get away from me. You don’t know what
you’re doing to me.” He didn’t care about my vulnerability when he
planted a kiss on my lips and his tongue found its way down my
throat. As he forced himself onto me I pushed him back against the
wall, “Go, I want you to get out.” He lunged in for another kiss
when I slapped his face. He blew it off as if he thought I was
being cute, I was his muse for the moment.
    When he acknowledged, “You don’t have to make
excuses. It doesn’t matter if it makes sense or not. I can retire
and we can get a fresh start.”
    “Is that what you want?”
    “I can stay in Barrington.” He
    “You didn’t answer me.”
    “We could be together.”
    “Is that what you really want?” I asked.
    “We’d work it out.”
    “You’re avoiding the question.”
    “I want you.” He took a seat on my bed
tapping the mattress waiting for me to join him. I reluctantly
obliged which eventually ended in us cuddling. No more excuses came
as I lay quietly in his arms. Max came to mind, I thought about my
battle to change him remembering how it exploded in my face.
    “Hey, you ok? You look tired.”
    I gave him half a grin as I buried my head in
his chest and told myself, “Say nothing.”

Chapter 16 – We Are One

Father Clayton struggled as his day was jam
packed with appointments, not to mention the usual run by the
warehouse. He stopped by the coffee shop, and then to the church
for yet more appointments. He refused to fathom anything ruining
his mood today, not now.
    By the time he arrived at the warehouse,
exhausted was an understatement. Rich and Angus were there taking
care of business as usual.
    “Back so soon?” Rich asked smiling.
    “Yea fellas, what’d you have for me?”
    “The usual, you’re retirement fund.”
    “Right, doesn’t that sound grand?”
    “What are you talking about?” Rich questioned
not believing his ears.
    “A permanent vacation, tap into the old
retirement fund.”
    “You retire, I won’t believe it. You’ll die
doing this.”
    “No boys, I’m starting to have a change of
    “Who would take over?”
    “People are getting too close these days.
It’s getting too risky, my priorities are changing.”
    “So, what would happen to us?”
    “Probably shut it down, I guess.”
    “That’s it, we don’t have a say in this?”
Rich asked.
    “Have you ever?” Father reminded him.
    “We’d be out of work, no financial flow.”
Rich stated watching Father Clayton’s reaction.
    “I understand it’s a little sudden, why don’t
you go ahead and keep this money. I don’t want it. Consider it to
buy your silence; you both can keep this operation running until
they shut it down. If the warehouse gets raided, let Tony take the
    “Alright boss, it was good while it
    “No comment, as far as I’m concerned this
business venture never existed.”
    Back in his car, he watched the view of the
warehouse become smaller in the rearview mirror as each mile passed
he knew he’d never return. Just like that with a snap of his
fingers that mess was over. Now on to the coffee shop for another
type a fix, a caffeine jolt for the second time that day to calm
his nerves.
    Jack had been camped out spending most of his
time drowning his sorrows in coffee with one ear firmly planted to
the ground diligently waiting for a break in the

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