Tragic Renewal

Tragic Renewal by Marlina Williams

Book: Tragic Renewal by Marlina Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marlina Williams
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considering his next words before he decided to go for it. “I know this will be weird since we just met, but would you be up for babysitting this Friday while I go on my doomed before it starts date?” He held up his hand before she responded. “I don’t normally ask perfect strangers to babysit my kid, but between everything Cara told me about you and how much he likes you already I think you’ll have a ball together.”
    Harper’s mouth worked for a moment before actual words flowed out. “I’d love to babysit. We can watch a movie, play games, eat popcorn, or whatever he likes to do.”
    “Perfect. We’ll work out the details over the next few days. Besides it gives us a chance to get to know each other better… you know since we’ll be neighbors and all.”
    Noah handed her two food filled cups. “I’ll grab the hay and follow you out”
    Harper took the cups. Her finger brushed his as she took a cup and her eyes rose to meet his with a quizzical look.
    Noah didn’t know what to say as the thrill of such an innocent touch sent a bolt of pleasure through his body. He recovered and hastily turned to break off two flakes of hay for the horses. Hay dust puffed up from the disturbed bale as he broke the string and released the sweet aroma of fresh grass and summer sky. When he turned, Harper was leaving the stall. He hurried to catch up.
    Grayson waited next to the first stall. The stall had a sliding door with a shiny nameplate engraved with Penny. A big grin split his little face as they approached. “What took you so long? I almost fell asleep waiting for you.”
    “Well, we’re here now. How about you show me where to dump this food.”  Harper replied.
    Grayson raced inside the stall. “Right here, right here.” He jumped up and down in excitement.
    “Would you like to pour it in?”
    Grayson glanced up at his dad who now stood in the entrance. “Can I do it Daddy? I promise I won’t spill it like last time.”
    Noah shrugged, unable to deny Grayson’s pleading eyes. “Of course, be careful.”
    Grayson took the cup, and with tongue stuck out from the side of his mouth in concentration he poured the food bit by bit ensuring he didn’t spill a single grain.
    Harper clapped when he held up the empty cup. “Great job! Wanna do the other one too?” She glanced at Noah to make sure he didn’t object.
    He nodded imperceptibly before she handed the second cup to Grayson.
    After Noah flung the hay in netted hay bags they walked outside to bring the mares in.
    Roxy played with the gate latch as they approached, impatiently throwing her head up and down when she couldn’t get it open.
    Once the horses were bedded in their stalls Noah indicated it was time for him and Grayson to head home.
    “We’ll stop by tomorrow to see how you’re settling in. I left some food in the fridge for you. I’m a closet chef, so don’t be surprised when you like it.”
    Harper continued to wave as they made their way down the drive. Noah watched her in the rear-view mirror until road dust obscured his view. He shook his head in wonderment. She had made him feel a giddy range of emotions that had been locked away for many years.

    Harper continued to wave as the truck disappeared from view in a cloud of dust. She turned back to the house and pushed through the front door. Her mind was filled with little Grayson and his look-alike dad. She never expected the captivating pair to charm her the way they had. Cara had mentioned her neighbor a couple of times, but never the entirety of him and his son.
    Ziggie startled at her sudden intrusion which must have woken him. He looked at her with eyes conveying the depth of sadness that lurked within his soul. She wished in that moment that he could talk. They could air their grievances and tell funny stories about the force that was Cara.
    She walked over and knelt near his bed. “Looks like it’s you and me boy. How about some food?”
    His eyes showed little interest

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