Chapter One
    Because she’d already been so skillfully aroused, Grace didn’t take as much notice of the meal and her surroundings as usual this time. Her mind was far away, wondering what lay ahead of her, dreading and yet needing whatever the trial had in store for her.
    She sipped at her champagne, and ate what was put in front of her, but her thoughts were only on the evening, and the choice of dessert cards that would soon be put before her. Laura, who was the third person at their table, ate little and said even less.
    Throughout the meal, David kept touching Grace lightly on the knee, and several times he whispered in her ear, reminding her of what had happened in their room earlier. Each time he did this he would finish by swirling his tongue inside her ear, which he knew she loved, diabolically increasing her body’s sexual tension.
    This time it was Andrew who brought the cards to their table, and as her eyes met his and he smiled at her, Grace was surprised to realize that she hoped he would be involved in whatever she chose.
    There were three choices for her: “Dangerous Damson Delight,” “Masked Maple Mousse” or “Playful Profiteroles.” Immediately she knew that she didn’t want the Dangerous Damson Delight, and remembering how she’d felt when she’d been blindfolded she didn’t think she’d enjoy the Masked Maple Mousse either. On the other hand Playful Profiteroles sounded as though it would offer all kinds of pleasures, even though she was well aware that this was a trial, and the playfulness might not all be to her liking.
    “Playful Profiteroles, I think,” she said slowly.
    Andrew smiled at her. “An excellent choice,” he said, his dark brown eyes meeting hers. “I hope you enjoy it.”
    “I’m sure we’ll all enjoy it,” said David softly after Andrew had left them.
    All around them people were getting up from their tables, but Grace noticed that the woman at table four seemed reluctant to follow her partner out of the room. David saw Grace watching the other woman. “She’s nearly completed the course,” he explained. “Tonight is very important to her and her partner.”
    Realizing that if she passed tonight’s trial, then that would be her next month, Grace’s heart went out to the young woman. “I hope she succeeds.”
    “I doubt if she will. I heard she struggled last time,” he replied.
    “That would be so sad, to fail at the last hurdle.”
    “Most people do, but I want you to concentrate on this one. We’re upstairs tonight.”
    With those ominous words resounding in her head she followed him out of the dining room and up the main staircase, but they turned left instead of to the right, which was the way to their suite.
    The corridor was a long one. At the far end he opened a thick white-paneled door and then with a firm hand in the small of her back he guided her in.
    This room was almost as dark as the basement had been, but unlike that room it was vast with a very high, arched ceiling decorated with Victorian cornices. There was a beautiful Italian fireplace on the one side of the room. On the other side were two beds, piled high with cushions and pillows, positioned close to each other. Above the beds a large, gold mirror, surrounded by subdued lighting, was set into the ceiling.
    “Time to start playing,” said David, the excitement obvious in his voice as he crossed the room and stood by Amber’s side. Grace looked at the two of them, standing so closely together and knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the blonde was her enemy, and determined to make her fail. This realization helped to strengthen Grace’s resolve to succeed at all costs.
    Laura, who had come up from the dining room with them, now stepped into the middle of the room and slowly stripped off her dress to reveal skimpy black and red underwear beneath it. Her large breasts were almost spilling out of the black and red bra, and the miniscule knickers were so tight that they emphasized

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