
Torn by Kelly Fisher

Book: Torn by Kelly Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Fisher

              He came and sat
beside me on the couch handing me one of the beers he had been holding and I
chugged most of it down in one drink. I then looked up into his lavender eyes,
they were slowly turning back to their original color of aqua but since he had
licked and healed the wound on my hand a short time ago they still had shades
of violet in them. He wiped the tears from my face but more just fell from my
eyes. Finally he gave up and picked the letter up off the floor reading it
quickly while I finished off the rest of my beer.
knew it was bad, that’s why I came back. I could feel your anguish,” he said.
did you arrive so quietly? How did you even get into the house?” I asked happy
for the distraction.
left my bike a few blocks away, I ran the rest of the way. As for getting in
the house, I picked the lock on the back door no vampire magic there,” he said
smiling slightly. “I’m sorry Liz I feel like it’s my fault that your kids are
not your fault at all. Richard is an asshole that thinks he is better than
other people because he has money. I even tried to explain to him that you all
helped get rid of the ghost. He didn’t want to hear it, he had his mind made up
before he even got home. Once Cora told him whatever she did he knew he was
going to take the kids and leave. He was hurt because he thinks I am cheating
on him and he knew the worst way he could hurt me was by taking the kids,” I
said and started crying again.
I should go. I don’t want you to get thrown out of your house because I am
here. Richard said he didn’t want any of us in the house,” Archer said looking
                “No I
don’t want you to go,” I said. “Fuck Richard. Ugh, I am so pissed I let that
man dictate my every move for over 8 years, I refuse to let him do it anymore.
He doesn’t want to be with me anymore then he gets no say about who I hang
around,” I said. He grabbed my hand and I instantly felt the current of warmth
we shared spread through my entire body. I took great comfort in knowing he
felt it as well. As a vampire his body temperature was usually cold which meant
he spent most the time feeling nothing but the chill in his bones. When a
vampire finds their soul mate or mate as they called it, when the two touch
they would both feel the tingly warmth spread through their bodies. I loved
that I could give that to him, as a married woman it was about the only thing I
could give to him although I longed to give him so much more. Even though my
husband had just decided in a fit of rage to take our children and leave me I
didn’t want to use that as an excuse to run into Archer’s arms. There was
something more important at play here other than how I felt and that was how my
children Mattie and Morrigan now felt.
am I ever going to get my kids back? How will I ever be able to fight him Arch?
He is like a local celebrity. I am nothing but a lowly housewife, and I know he
is going to spin it like I am a cheater. It’s just the type of person he is,” I
said feeling hopeless. What if I never get to see my kids again?
got to fight Liz, you can’t give up! I know how much your kids mean to you I
can feel it and Richard knows it too. You have to fight for them and I will
help you.”


didn’t want to stay in the house I had worked so diligently on taking care of
for years. Without my children here it felt like nothing more than an empty
shell. Richard could have his big empty house; the house meant nothing to me
without my children in it. I gathered up some of my clothes as well as Pharaoh
and piled them all into my

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