Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1)

Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1) by Stacey Mewse Page B

Book: Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1) by Stacey Mewse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Mewse
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After a while she began to realise that she needed to visit the bathroom and politely excused herself. She staggered slightly as she stepped away from her chair, Smiling sheepishly at her companion. She flirtatiously smoothed down her skirt whilst holding eye contact with the handsome stranger. Then strutted away with a slightly overzealous wiggle in her step.
    He watched her go with a sly smile playing on his lips, waiting for the bathroom door to close before beckoning to the barman. He ordered two bloody Mary’s, and when the other man had turned away he slipped a little clear liquid from a tiny vial hidden up his sleeve into one. Stirring it languidly with a lurid green drink stirrer he smiled darkly into the glass as he watched its contents swirl.  He waited silently for her return, forcing down the smile that threatened to give away his sinister intent.
    This was going to be far, far easier than he had first thought.

Chapter 9
    Hunter’s van sped down countless country roads that night, its headlights carving harsh light onto the dusty roads and causing shadows to jump and lurch beneath the trees. He had thought that his knowledge of the area had been second to none; but somehow Audra had managed to lead him off the beaten track and onto roads he had never seen. He had not been able to pinpoint the moment when this transition from safe and familiar road to strange new ones had occurred.  He did not remember the last time he had seen a familiar landmark but tonight it did not matter. He followed her directions blindly in his panic, and hoped and prayed that they would not be too late.
    For her part Audra did little to disturb the charged silence, only opening her mouth to give advanced directions as to which way he should turn.
    It was an uncomfortable journey for both of them, he was on the verge of snapping and she could sense it in him.
    As time ticked by he became aware that he had passed by a certain point twice, and the sudden realisation of what his guide was doing hit him like a slap in the face. She was deliberately taking him on a winding route so that he would not be able to remember the way to her home. Rage bubbled up inside him; he had more important things to worry about than planning his next visit!
    Audra caught the snarl that twitched at his lips and shrank away from him in her seat. ‘What… What’s wrong?’ She asked hesitantly, his anger bearing down heavily upon her.
    Not turning his gaze from the road he spoke in a threatening grumble. ‘I know what you’re doing.’
    Audra’s eyes widened slightly and she shuffled away in her seat as far as she could manage. ‘I… have my orders’ she stammered.
    Hunter snapped his head to the side and glared at her, slamming on the brakes and bringing the van to a screeching halt. Dust clouds billowed around the vehicle as he unleashed his fury. ‘And I suspect they sent you because they knew you’d blindly follow them!’ His voice rose with every word. ‘Quit fucking with me and take me straight there. Now Audra. You seem to be forgetting that I don’t have to help you. If we aren’t there within ten minutes, you’re getting thrown out of this car and I’ll find her myself and deal with this how I want to. I don’t need you or your pack so quit with this shit or you’re on your fucking own!’
    Audra’s mouth hung open slightly, her eyes prickling with hot tears. It had been a long time since anyone had dared to shout at her. ‘I can get you there in five’ she practically whispered, visibly wilting under his gaze ‘if you can pick up the pace a bit… And they sent me because the alpha is my father.’
    Hunter sped though the gears and soon the rusted old van was running near its top speed, pushing 90 miles an hour and with the engine roaring in complaint. He did not reply to her statement or attempt to speak to her again.  He just followed the directions he was

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