Tori Phillips

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Authors: Silent Knight
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still glowered at Guy with a bloodthirsty look. “Pardon my laughter, good Gaston. I am deeply indebted for your swift protection of my life and honor.”
    She tried to avoid looking at his bare legs, which were exposed from the thigh down. How very hairy they were, and how comical! She bit the inside of her cheek before continuing. She couldn’t laugh again, not at this precise moment, anyway.
    “And, good Brother Guy...”
    His face flushed, from either the heat of the fire or his anger. The ruddy color heightened his wrathful expression. She swallowed. “Forgive me for disturbing your rest. I only meant to make you more comfortable.”
    Gaston exploded. “What?”
    Celeste gasped as she realized the implication of her words. “ Non , Gaston, it is not what you think. Brother Guy was asleep on the floor without covering, and the night is cold. I was only trying to...” She left off her explanation before she said anything that would further anger the sergeant.
    “I suppose my folly requires another penance, Brother Guy?” She didn’t dare look directly at him.
    Through her lashes, she saw him slowly nod.
    “Do you not think my lady has done enough penance?” Reining his horse beside Guy, who was again mounted on Daisy, Gaston looked back over his shoulder at his silent mistress. “Pauvre petite! Never have I known her to be so silent.”
    Guy swallowed. Perhaps he had been a trifle harsh last night, when he inflicted his punishment on Celeste. After all, she had no idea what she had done to him in those few moments when her hands so gently stroked his hair.
    His instincts had awakened him the minute Celeste crawled out of her bed. Years of combat in the service of Henry VIII had honed Guy’s reflexes to a razor edge. As he lay on the uneven bricks of the hearth, enduring his self-imposed retribution for his tempting secular thoughts, he had been aware of her every movement. The nearer she crept to him, the louder his heart had pounded. Surely she must have heard it. He had known, without turning, when she stopped and he swore he could feel the heat of her gaze as it traveled over him. It had taken every ounce of his self-control to feign sleep, when in fact his treacherous body ached for her.
    Guy had not needed the blankets she so gently placed around him. He had grown hotter with each passing moment. He had almost leapt into the fireplace when Celeste first touched his hair. He recalled the cold droplets of sweat that had beaded his brow as she threaded her slim fingers through his hated curls. Delicious chills, which he had not experienced in a long time, had coursed down his back. His own fingers had tingled to take her into his arms and return the sweet torture she inflicted upon him.
    When Celeste finally stood, he had thought himself saved, until he realized that she was leaning over him. In a heartbeat, she had fallen into his arms — just as he had fantasized. Her startled expression and sleep-tousled hair had enchanted him. He had wanted to clasp her to his chest and murmur sweet nonsense in her ear. Thank heavens Gaston had interceded when he did! Guy did not want to contemplate what might have happened if he had not been there.
    I would have made love wath her there and then, and let the devil take the hindmost. Sweet merciful Lord, help me!
    “Have you taken a vow of deafness, as well as silence, monk?” Gaston prodded him with the handle of his riding crop. “Lady Celeste has held her silence all morning. I have never known her to keep so still for so long, and I have known her all her life.”
    Guy stared straight ahead at the rutted road. He tried to tell himself that Celeste’s enforced silence was to teach her a much-needed lesson, but his conscience knew otherwise. The very sound of her smoky voice, her bell-like laughter and, most of all, her sweet singing made his blood race through him with unholy desire. Her punishment was not for her, but for him.
    “Fah! You are a man of

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