Too Close to Touch
began to stammer. “Sorry, Ky. I…I wasn’t…she’s really…I should’ve…shit.”
    “It’s okay. She’s cool.”
    “Yeah? She’s cool? Or cool cool?”
    “She’s cool cool.”
    “Ah, I see. Cool.”
    Turning to Gretchen, Kylie introduced the embarrassed male as her brother, Kevin.
    After exchanging the requisite courtesies with him, Gretchen inquired, “Short Round?”
    “Ugh.” Kylie covered her eyes with her hand.
    Kevin laughed. “Okay. Here’s the deal. Our little Kylie was a late bloomer as far as height and stuff went. Rory and I got tall right away.
    I’ve been six-three since I was Þ fteen. Even Erin is, what? Five-ten?” He looked at Kylie, who nodded. “So, anyway, here we all are, teenagers, and we’re all these string-bean-looking kids. All except Kylie. She’s barely Þ ve-three and not exactly…bean-like.” He laughed, but his eyes crinkled with great affection for his little sister.
    “I just took my time,” Kylie said in her own defense, her cheeks pink yet again. To Gretchen, she explained, “I lost Þ fteen pounds and grew three inches from my sophomore to senior years in high school.”
    Turning to Kevin, she added, “So there,” and stuck out her tongue.
    “Topping off at a mere Þ ve-foot-six. Not short by any means, but certainly short for this family.” He lowered his voice. “Mom would never tell us what the mailman looked like.”
    Kylie slapped at him. “Don’t you have something better to do than harass me?”
    “Can’t think of a thing, Short Round,” he answered playfully.
    “Story of my life.”
    Watching the back-and-forth interplay between the siblings, Gretchen felt her heart swell. At times like these, she missed J.J.
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    “I could harass Gretchen,” Kevin replied with a wink. “She seems to have the same vertical challenge as you. What are you, Þ ve-four?”
    “Five-four and a half, thank you very much,” Gretchen answered.
    Kylie shoved him. “Get lost, Stilts. We don’t need your kind here.”
    “Fine. I have more joy to spread, anyway. Nice to meet you, Gretchen. I’m sure we’ll see each other again. Keep her in line, will you?”
    Gretchen laughed. “I’ll try.”
    “Ready for another beer?” Kylie asked.
    Gretchen nodded, surprised at the good time she was having. “I think I am. Join me this time?”
    “Okay, but I need to pace myself. I have zero alcohol tolerance.”
    Gretchen squinted at her. “Um…aren’t you Irish?”
    “Yeah.” Kylie had the good sense to look embarrassed.
    “Huh. Maybe it was the mailman…”
    Kylie burst out laughing. “Shut up!”
    They headed back to the coolers, Kylie getting stopped no less than three times by various neighbors to say hi. Introductions were made—Kylie was very good about that—and Gretchen shook hands and smiled politely, knowing she’d never remember all the names.
    “Aunt Ky!” a small voice called from the direction of the swing set. “Come and play with us!”
    Kylie smiled and waved. “Not now, sweetie. Later, okay?”
    “Niece?” Gretchen asked.
    Kylie nodded. “My sister’s daughter. She’s four and the baby of all the kids.” Dropping her voice to a whisper, she reported, “Unplanned.
    “Hate when that happens.”
    “You have nieces and nephews?”
    “Two nieces and a nephew. They’re ten, eight, and two.”
    “How many siblings?” Kylie asked.
    “Just me and my brother.”
    “Is he older or younger than you?”
    “He’s younger by seven years.”
    “That’s a lot. So, you guys didn’t have much in common as kids, I take it?”
    Gretchen laughed softly. “No. He was always getting in my way
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    and wanted to hang out with me and my friends. I hated him and used to beat him up.”
    “And now?”
    “He’s one of my best friends.”
    Kylie smiled warmly. “That’s great. You want to have kids?”
    Gretchen snorted. “Oh, let’s see…pregnant at forty-seven.

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