Tomorrow's Dreams

Tomorrow's Dreams by Heather Cullman Page A

Book: Tomorrow's Dreams by Heather Cullman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Cullman
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    â€œWant to see my top-of-the-line, extra-heavy cast-iron frying pans?” he countered, wrestling her down on top of him.
    Still giggling, she snaked her hand between their closely pressed bodies and slipped it into his trousers to give his sex a naughty tweak. “You swear? There really was a saleslady?”
    â€œSwear on Chief Left Hand’s ghost,” Seth murmured, arching up against her wantonly probing fingers.
    â€œIt don’t count none to swear on a dead Injun. Everybody knows Injuns ain’t honest.” With that pronouncement, she began to rub up and down his length.
    â€œSure they are, sweetheart,” he said, rolling his hips in rhythm with her hand. “Those two Indians honestly indicated that they were going to scalp me.” Despite his best efforts to become aroused and her skillful ministrations, his sex barely stirred.
    What the hell is wrong with me? he wondered, opening his legs as she cupped him. He held is breath, awaiting the shock of pleasure he knew he should feel.
    Nothing. He felt nothing but a vaguely annoying prodding sensation in his nether regions. His breath escaped in a hiss. Why the hell wouldn’t the damn thing behave? It wasn’t as if he couldn’t get an erection. He got them all the time … day … night. He awoke as hard as a rock every morning.
    The answer, as disturbing as it was, was one he knew all too well. It was the reason he’d failed to find pleasure the single time he’d bedded a woman since his split with Penelope; the same reason he hadn’t accepted the numerous carnal invitations he’d received during the past two years.
    That reason was that he still loved Penelope. And the thought, much less the act, of having sexual relations with anyone else left him about as excited as attending a Temperance Society meeting. He’d been a fool to think he could spend his lust like this. Frustrated and more than a little shamed by his dismal performance, he gently pulled the girl’s hand away.
    â€œMr. Tyler,” she protested.
    â€œSeth,” she echoed, reaching for his trouser buttons. “Don’t you worry none. Titania’ll have you hard in no time at’ll.”
    Before he could reply, there was a soft knock at the door. “Seth?” queried a half-muffled voice.
    â€œWho could that be?” he muttered, relieved by the interruption. As if in response to his question, the door swung open and in strolled Penelope.
    â€œSeth—” Penelope stopped in her tracks, taken aback by the sight of the couple on the settee. Though Seth was fully clothed and the girl was merely kneeling between his legs, his flushed face and her glare confirmed her suspicion that she’d interrupted something intimate. Stammering an apology, she turned to leave.
    â€œWait!” he barked.
    She paused, wanting nothing more than to flee the oddly painful sight of Seth with another woman. Yet, it had been a long while since she’d had the freedom to do what she wanted, and like everything else she’d done over the past two years, her reason now for seeking Seth out had nothing to do with her own wants. It was remembering that reason that made her turn and face him.
    â€œHave you met Titania, Princess?” he drawled.
    Penelope nodded, discomforted by her irrational urge to yank the hussy off him and boot her broad backside out the door. As she watched, Seth drew the girl down on top of him to whisper in her ear. The girl giggled and nodded at whatever he said, then stood up, blatantly flaunting her bare breasts.
    Penelope didn’t miss the lazy look of admiration that crossed Seth’s face. For some inexplicable reason that look made her temper rise a few degrees. “I see you found a willing dinner companion,” she snapped.
    Seth sat up and tossed his tousled hair back over his shoulders. “Plenty of hungry girls here at the

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