Tolkien and the Great War

Tolkien and the Great War by John Garth

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Authors: John Garth
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letters to JRRT from Robert Cary Gilson, Robert Quilter Gilson, R. W. Reynolds, G. B. Smith, Ruth Smith, and C. L. Wiseman (Bodleian Tolkien family papers 2/1 and 2/2).
    JRRT’s personal military papers, including his cursory ‘Diary of Brief Time in France and of Last Seven Times I Saw GBS’ [JRRT diary] (Bodleian Tolkien family papers 2/6).
    Other papers belonging to JRRT, including college notebooks and books from his library (Bodleian Tolkien; shelfmarks given in source notes).
    All of the above are courtesy of the Tolkien Estate and the Bodleian Library.
    Letters from R. Q. Gilson to R. C. Gilson, Marianne Cary Gilson (‘Donna’) and Estelle King; other Gilson correspondence (all courtesy of Julia Margretts and Frances Harper).
    Letter from C. L. Wiseman to Dr Peter Liddle, 22 July 1977, recalling his naval service; memoir of W. J. Senescall, 11th Suffolks [Senescall memoir] (courtesy of the Liddle Collection, Brotherton Library, University of Leeds).
    Letters and notebooks of Lt. C. L. Platt, 19th Lancashire Fusiliers [Platt papers]; diary of Capt. Lionel Ferguson, 13th Cheshires [Ferguson diary]; the Revd M. S. Evers, ‘The Memoirs of Mervyn’ [Evers memoir]; papers of Capt. P. F. J. Fawcett-Barry [Fawcett-Barry papers]; narrative and notebook by 2nd Lt. G. A. Potts [Potts papers]; memoir ‘1914 to 1919’ by F. Mills [Mills memoir]; narrative from the notes of Col. C. H. David, 111th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery [David narrative] (all courtesy of the Imperial War Museum).
B: Works by JRR Tolkien
    References in square brackets are to the abbreviations and short titles used in the source notes. Place of publication is London, unless otherwise stated.
    The Book of Lost Tales, Part One , ed. Christopher Tolkien (George Allen & Unwin, 1983) [LT1].
    The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two , ed. Christopher Tolkien (George Allen & Unwin, 1984) [LT2].
    â€˜Early Noldorin Fragments’: see Parma Eldalamberon 13, under Periodicals.
    â€˜Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings’ , in Jared Lobdell (ed.), A Tolkien Compass (Open Court, 1975).
    The Hobbit references are to The Annotated Hobbit , annotated by Douglas A. Anderson (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2002).
    â€˜The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm’s Son’, in Essays and Studies vi (John Murray, 1953). References are to the Tolkien anthology Poems and Stories (HarperCollins, 1992).
    â€˜I·Lam na·Ngoldathon: The Grammar and Lexicon of the Gnomish Tongue’: see Parma Eldalamberon 11, under Periodicals.
    The Lays of Beleriand , ed. Christopher Tolkien (George Allen & Unwin, 1985).
    Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien: A Selection , ed. Humphrey Carpenter with Christopher Tolkien (George Allen & Unwin, 1981) [Letters].
    The Lord of the Rings (HarperCollins, 1995): a standard one-volume edition.
    The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays , ed. Christopher Tolkien (George Allen & Unwin, 1983) [Monsters].
    Morgoth’s Ring , ed. Christopher Tolkien (HarperCollins, 1993).
    The Peoples of Middle-earth , ed. Christopher Tolkien (HarperCollins, 1996).
    â€˜Philology: General Works’, annual survey in Lee and Boas (eds.), The Year’s Work in English Studies, 1923; Boas and Herford (eds.), The Year’s Work in English Studies, 1924.
    â€˜The Poetic and Mythologic Words of Eldarissa’: see Parma Eldalamberon 12, under Periodicals.
    â€˜Qenyaqetsa: The Qenya Phonology and Lexicon’: see Parma Eldalamberon 12, under Periodicals.
    Sauron Defeated , ed. Christopher Tolkien (HarperCollins, 1992).
    The Shaping of Middle-earth: The Quenta, the Ambarkanta, and the Annals together with the earliest ‘Silmarillion’ and the first Map , ed. Christopher Tolkien (George Allen & Unwin, 1986).
    Unfinished Tales , ed. Christopher Tolkien (George Allen & Unwin, 1980).
C: Books and articles by others
    Allison, K. J. (ed.), A History of the County of York, East Riding, vol. v. Holderness: southern part

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