Together Forever: Billionaire Alpha

Together Forever: Billionaire Alpha by Ali Parker

Book: Together Forever: Billionaire Alpha by Ali Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Parker
    “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere and I love you more than I have ever loved anyone. Christa isn’t anything to me and I should have told them no. I didn’t want to look like the stiff-necked asshole that everyone seems to think I am. Forgive me. I’m not willing to spend the last few days of this trip fighting with you. I need you too badly.” He pressed his lips to hers - hard.
    Bethany slid her arms around his neck, not wanting anything but him. They would work through the details later. Nothing was going to be straightforward or easy, but he was willing to communicate. She needed to process everything, but didn’t want to talk anymore for now.
    She broke the kiss, brushing her lips over the strong line of his jaw as she whispered, “I don’t want to fight either.”
    He bent down and slipped his arm under her legs, picking her up and walking down the beach farther. He leaned down and kissed her again, his soft groan undoing her from the inside.
    “No more talk of anyone but us. This isn’t about them or our insecurities. It’s about us, Beth. It’s about us working toward forever. Tell me you want that and trust me when I say that I do.” He stopped as the hotel disappeared in the distance, a faint light all she could make out.
    The moon sat full and heavy above them, the light blue glow of it spilling out over him, making him more beautiful, as if it were possible. She reached up and brushed her hands down the thick muscles of his neck, over his chest and around his waist.
    “I want that.” She pressed her lips to the center of his chest as his hands moved firmly down her back, pressing in to massage her. She let out a soft moan and moved back, needing to get his shirt off of him. She wanted to taste his skin.
    “It’s yours, baby. Stop running from it, from me.”
    “Okay,” she whispered and pressed his shirt from his shoulders before pressing her mouth back to him.
    “Fuck, that’s hot, Beth.” He undid the small ties at the top of her dress, pushing at it until it fell in the sand beneath her. “Let me get out of my slacks and let’s get into the water. I want to feel the wetness and warmth of your body in contrast to the chill of the waves.”
    She nodded, her voice lost to the desire to dive in deep with him. Moving back toward the water, she turned and slipped off her tiny black panties. He groaned loudly, the sound needy and delicious. She walked into the water, wrapping her arms around herself and waiting for him once she was waist deep.
    He joined her, taking her hand and pulling her farther into the surf. “Come here, baby. Let me take care of you the best way I know how.”
    “I’m sorry for overreacting.” She moved to him as the sand beneath her dropped off. The water rose to her neck and she clung to the front of him, Damon holding on to her tightly.
    “No sorries. I would have to give a million too. Just concentrate on right now. Let’s me and you stay in the moment together. We’ll work through all this shit from our past over a bottle of wine, nudity and a roaring fire at my place when we get home. Deal?” He slid his hands over her rear, tugging at the back of her legs.
    She wrapped her legs around him, the thick brush of his erection against her center causing her to whimper softly. How he left her needy and undone was a mystery. Christa had one thing right. Being around Damon did make her feel like a starving hooker. Everything about him lent to the desire to fuck all night, unapologetically.
    “Hold on to me tightly. I want to memorize your curves with my hands, Beth.” He pressed his face into the crook of her neck, sucking softly as his fingers ran up and down her back, over her hips to her breasts. “So damn hot. I swear I almost came just watching you dancing in your sexy little dress tonight.”
    “I was hoping you’d like it.” She smirked and slid her fingers through his hair, rolling her hips a little to get the full effect of being

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