To Tempt a Cowgirl

To Tempt a Cowgirl by Jeannie Watt

Book: To Tempt a Cowgirl by Jeannie Watt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeannie Watt
gave a nod and reached for the pen. Dani did not ask again if he understood all the clauses because being a contractor, the guy dealt in contracts. “Looks good,” he said.
    “Are you going to be here for thirty hours’ worth of training? I only train six days a week.”
    “Only six.”
    “Look who’s talking,” she said. “The guy who forces himself to take a vacation and then works anyway?” She gave a dismissive sniff. “Besides, sometimes I only work a half day on Saturday.”
    “And another half day on Sunday to make up for it?”
    She shot him a look. “Maybe.” Her mouth twisted as she regarded the contract for a split second, then she asked, “How many days a week do you take off?”
    He gave her a touché smile and shook his head.
    “As I thought. However, you never answered my original question—will you still be here when I finish?”
    Her heart really shouldn’t have jumped at that. “Thinking of making the move permanent?” Because she wasn’t certain how she felt about him staying—although he probably wouldn’t be living at the Staley house if he remained in the area. That lease had to cost a bundle. Even if he wasn’t her neighbor, she wasn’t sure having him in the area on a permanent basis would be all that great for her peace of mind.
    “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” he said.
    “Must be nice to have that kind of freedom.”
    “Double-edged sword,” he said. “Contracting can be feast or famine. When the economy tanks, there isn’t a lot of call for landscape architecture. That said, I can design from anywhere.”
    “You have to make site visits.”
    “That’s why I have a fast car.”
    Dani laughed and then pulled the contract toward her and put it into the folder. “I’ll have a copy of this for you by tomorrow.”
    “No hurry.” He drained his coffee, then took the cup to the sink and rinsed it. Dani watched him with a small frown. Really? A great-looking guy who cleaned up after himself? This could only mean that when she found his fatal flaw, it would be a big one. Maybe he was bad in bed...
    Her throat went a little dry as he turned back toward her and wiped his hands on the sides of his jeans. No, that would be too cruel...for someone who wasn’t her.
    “Everything all right?” he asked curiously.
    “Fine,” she said briskly. “I just need to get to work.” Kelly would show up within the hour and until then she was only doing groundwork with a young filly. “But I will give you a ride home.”
    She had to make the offer, but she felt a whisper of relief when he said, “I’ll walk. Thanks.”
    “And I’ll be in contact about Molly.”
    He stopped on the porch. “Would it be all right if I came by to watch you work her? Not every day, of course, but since I’m close...”
    He shrugged and Dani heard herself say, “Sure. I’m all right with that. But give me a couple days, okay?” That would give her time to get acquainted with the mare.
    “Great. Thanks.”
    He started down the path, but Dani stopped him by calling his name. When he turned back, she said, “Just what are your plans for Molly? You never told me.”
    “I’m giving her to a friend as a present.”
    “Must be some friend.”
    “Oh, she is.” He smiled, raised his hand in a brief salute, then headed down the driveway, leaving Dani with something to think about. Maybe it didn’t matter if he became a permanent resident. And she was glad about that.
    Regardless of how her stomach had twisted at the word she .
    * * *
    G ABE WANTED NOTHING more than to conk out for a while, but he forced himself to stay awake. He really needed to break this late-night habit if he was going to keep normal hours, watch Dani train his horse, live like a normal person. But it was killing him. His ability to live on two hours of sleep for days at a time seemed to be slipping away.
    Stewart had sent another small job his way—redesigning the entrance area of an older getaway hotel

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