To Steal a Prince
the combination or a key. I don’t like the idea of a key being stolen or copied, so I had it destroyed.”
    “Good. I’d get at least one more fake crown to hide. Can’t go wrong with multiple decoys. Maybe a camera on the safe.”
    “One step at a time. The crown is secure for now.” The prince removes his blazer, laying it neatly on the bed. “It’s been a tiring day. Care for a swim?”
    I give the hanging pool a sideways glance. “I don’t have a bathing suit.”
    “Do you need one?”
    I find myself blushing under his gaze.
    “I have some that should fit. They’re all new, don’t worry.” Damon touches a panel in the wall, and a rack of suits appears.
    Does he really have a closet dedicated to bikinis? I raise one eyebrow at him.
    “Don’t look at me like that. I like to be prepared for all circumstances.”
    “Including what, a pool orgy?”
    Damon strokes his chin. “You know, I’ve never tried that. What have I been thinking?”
    I give him a playful shove.
    He pulls the rack from the wall. “See one you like?”
    I reach for one, then hesitate. Is this really a good idea?
    “You’re not afraid to steal my car, but you’re afraid to borrow a bathing suit?”
    “Fine. Give me one.”
    The prince makes a great show of selecting an emerald green suit. “Will this do?”
    I snatch it from his hand, trying to ignore how skimpy it is. Is this going to cover anything at all? Doesn’t matter. I can’t show him that I am a tiny bit afraid.
    I grab my shirt, ready to pull it over my head. Damon’s still staring at me. I stare right back, motionless.
    “Oh. Sorry about that.” He turns away. “I’ll get ready over here. I won’t look if you won’t.”
    Peeling off my shirt, I let it fall to the tile. I look back to make sure that Damon isn’t peeking. Of course he isn’t. I get back to the business of stripping, then pull on the teeny bikini. He’s much more upstanding than I am.
    I inspect myself in a mirror, cupping my hands under my breasts. It’s not as bad as I feared. Everything fits well, and still leaves something to the imagination. Which is good for Damon, who will need to practice imagining a while longer.
    Speaking of Damon, I can see him in the mirror if I step to one side. He tosses his shirt aside, revealing a strong back. His belt clinks as he unbuckles it. I know I shouldn’t break our promise, but I can’t help it. I guess I’m just a terrible person. His pants slide to the floor, followed by his boxers.
    Now there’s nothing but his bare ass, sculpted and slightly paler than the rest of him. It looks so smooth, and I want nothing more than to touch it, to run my hands down his strong thighs and over his calves.
    “I thought we had a no looking policy?”
    My face turns bright red. “You didn’t even turn around! How did you know?”
    Damon pulls up a pair of swim trunks, pulling the drawstring tight. “They all look.” He winks at me, then heads toward the pool.
    I wish that I could be as self-assured. It must be easy for him, after being with so many women. I envy that. I’ve been so busy trying to keep myself fed and ahead of the cops that I’ve never even had a boyfriend.
    “Ready?” Damon dips in a toe. “Water’s great.”
    “It’s also hanging a few hundred feet in the air.”
    “Come on.” The prince holds out a dripping hand. “You can hold onto me if you want.”
    The temptation is too much. I take his hand and allow him to pull me in. I sink under the surface, my hair clouding around my face. The glass side distorts the view of the city. It’s wavy, uncertain under here. That feels comforting somehow.
    I let go of Damon’s hand, coming up for air to see more clearly. The baked clay roofs stretch out to the sea. The view calms me enough that I lean an arm on the glass. I wonder how long Damon will want me to stay. How long does it usually take him to grow bored with his latest lady friend?
    I want to ask him about the other women he’s been

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