To Picture The Past

To Picture The Past by Paige Mallory Page A

Book: To Picture The Past by Paige Mallory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Mallory
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me to know she loved me and would always be with me in my heart.
    "This is just plain spooky," he muttered darkly, clearly unhappy.
    "It is very spooky. And Gail took this photo?" I asked again, my mind in a whirl. I had so many unanswered questions. "Is Gail positive there wasn't some enactment going on behind Scott and Liz? Or perhaps, some actors were getting ready to perform some scene?"
    "No, Gill, there was nothing going on that day. I clearly recall Gail telling me that she and the kids got there two days before the enactment tours were to begin. The house was open for visitors, but there were no formal tours scheduled. Gail is worried sick about you. I think you need to stop by the house on your way home tonight," he bossed, his tone of voice brooking no argument.
    "I have some questions for Gail, so I'll gladly stop by," I replied, getting to my feet. I then asked, "Did you give James Fredericks a detention?"
    "Yes, for all the good it will do. I am beginning to think I am going to have to pull him from your class, Gill. He has no respect for you, and I am afraid he's going to harm you."
    "He's just a boy, Jason." "That boy outweighs you by at least eighty pounds, and he is a foot taller than you. I don't think this is a safe situation."
    "I don't know why he hates me so much. It has been pure belligerence on his part since school started this year. I didn't have time to do one thing before he confronted me with his list of complaints about me." 
    "Don't take it personally, Gill. It isn't your fault. I told his Mother today that if there was one more incident, she would have to enroll him in a night school, or pay for an online class. She told me she didn't have the money for such foolishness. I told her if that was the case she'd better have a serious talk with James and tell him to shape up. When they left here they were fighting. I don't have much hope that he is going to turn into a model student."
    "At this point I would settle for one who simply kept his mouth shut. He's making it impossible for the rest of his class to learn. Kathy Kaufmann started crying today at the way he was carrying on."
    "Just remember to keep within reaching distance of the emergency button in your classroom, Gill. I don't trust that boy."
    I gave my brother-in-law a smile and a nod of reassurance. "I'm going to go on over and see Gail. There has to be a logical explanation for this picture."
    Jason waited until I reached the doorway of his office before calling to me. "Gill, if you are fibbing to me and pulling some prank, I promise I'll turn you over my knee and give you a spanking to rival the one I gave you when you thought you could stay out all night and worry your sister nearly to death. And, if I find out that Gail is in on this with you, she'll get the same damn thing."
    I looked at him in shock. "Gail wouldn't pull a trick like this on you, Jason. She's too superstitious! She'd be afraid of bringing bad karma on all of us. This is probably some defect in the camera. Maybe Gail bought one that was refurbished instead of brand new…?"
    The worry returned to Jason's dark eyes. "Gill, you know I don't believe in half the stuff your sister thinks is real, but, just in case I'm wrong, will you please be careful with yourself? Gail and I couldn't bear for anything to happen to you. We love you, kiddo."
    "I love you, too, Mr. Tough Guy!" I gave him a wave, hurrying from his office so he couldn't see the tears stinging my eyes.
    The small city of Brookshire could easily have supported two high schools, and it was my opinion that the students would have received a better education if two schools did exist. It would have created a bit of rivalry in the town, but the parents would have given more support if they thought their school 'lacking'. As it was, the school system in Brookshire seemed to come last with the ones holding the purse strings. The school board tried to spread the money evenly among the three grade schools, the two

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