To Kiss in the Shadows

To Kiss in the Shadows by Lynn Kurland

Book: To Kiss in the Shadows by Lynn Kurland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Kurland
baubles for his court clothes. I daresay you’ll follow in his footsteps easily enough.”
    He looked startled enough that she wondered if she’d said aught amiss.
    He shook his head. “Idle thoughts.”
    â€œTell me of them.”
    â€œWell, if you must know, the day I arrived at court, I was lamenting the foolishness of courtly conversation that focused on the cut of a tunic or the color of cloth. How much more, I thought, would I have rather been talking to the swineherd about the feeding of his charges, or discussing with the steward whether or not barley and hops might grow well in the north fields, or loitering in the blacksmith’s hut to see him at his labors.”
    â€œMy father would have been pleased with you,” she said.
    â€œI could only hope.” He reached over for her hand and squeezed it. “If I’m ignorant of something, I’m not too proud to ask for aid. I’ll try not to shame you or your sire’s memory.”
    She nodded, but in truth she was thinking less about how he might shame her than she was about how blessed she had been to have found someone with whom she had found a home. For that alone, her father would have loved Jason of Artane. Or Jason of Grasleigh, as it was. The Falcon of Grasleigh, as he would be known. She wondered what he would think when they arrived at her father’s keep and she showed him her father’s coat of arms.
    A falcon with a dragon pinned under its foreclaw. A falcon with its head thrown back in victory.
    She could only hope he saw the humor in it she did.
    They rode on in companionable silence for the rest of the day. As dusk fell, Lianna was startled to see several men bearing down on them. Jason and Kendrick immediately drew their swords, then Jason called a greeting and was answered in the same tone. Lianna looked at him in surprise.
    â€œWho are they?”
    â€œOur escort,” he said. “I’m not surprised to see them, but I am surprised to see them so soon.” He leaned on the pommel of his saddle and smiled at her. “What think you of a few days passed in the dragon’s lair, my lady?”
    Lianna smiled weakly. “These are Blackmour’s men?”
    â€œAye, come to protect his little kit,” he said, “and the kit’s bride.”
    â€œUs?” she asked, feeling rather faint.
    â€œWho else?” He looked at her closely. “Surely you don’t fear Blackmour. He is the tamest of men, I assure you. He will merely want to inspect you, see that you have all your teeth, and check that your ears are formed well enough to suit him.”
    â€œAnd should I not suit him?”
    â€œSeven maidens a day before breaking his fast,” Jason said with a sigh, “or the occasional consumption of one newly wedded lady. I suppose, then, that if you don’t please him, he’ll have you for his morning nibble.”
    She considered her husband. “Your time will come, you know. I daresay you’ll be twisting your reins into unrecognizable shapes as we near my home.”
    â€œI daresay,” he agreed dryly.
    â€œAnd I will do nothing to ease your suffering.”
    â€œAh-ha,” Kendrick called back at them, “you have made your bed, little brother, and see how she smoothes the sheets already. I fear you’ve met your match in this one.”
    â€œAnd gladly so,” Jason said. He smiled at her. “My lord also has a fine chamber for guests with his second most comfortable goose-feather mattress—”
    â€œNot that you’ve ever slept on it,” Kendrick said loudly.
    â€œHe,” Jason said with a glare at his brother, “will not be accompanying us to your hall, Lianna.”
    â€œYou’ll need someone to guard your back,” Kendrick said, “from your lady, should you not show yourself well. ’Tis best I come and see to that. Now, can we be on our way? I’ve a mind

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