To Catch a Lady

To Catch a Lady by Pamela Labud

Book: To Catch a Lady by Pamela Labud Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Labud
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several kitchen attendants. Slyddon has a large dining room, three parlors, a full library, and thirty-two bedrooms. There is also a well-stocked pond on the property and a garden that rivals any that London has to offer, I assure you. Of course, it’s very isolated, and not at all as popular as the drawing rooms of the ton. No doubt it’ll take some adjusting to get used to it—that is, if one allows oneself.”
    Caro stamped down on the urge to snap at him. He was her husband, after all, and if she were to have any hope of surviving their holiday, let alone their marriage, one of them had to exercise some restraint.
    “I never meant to infer that your estate would be lacking, Your Grace. I just meant that, as a woman who’s lived her entire life within the city, there are just some accoutrements that I cannot possibly live without.”
    “Nor would I expect you to. I am not a beast, madam.”
    Caro chewed her lip. How could they possibly suit? It was all they could do to take a simple carriage ride together.
    “I didn’t say you were.” This time, she couldn’t help letting her annoyance slip into her tone.
    “Of course not,” he answered, the bland, dismissing sound of his voice rankling her even more.
    Turning her gaze back to the window, Caro did her best to put it all in perspective. Clearing her throat, she tried again.
    “How are we going to get through this?”
    “You mean our marriage.”
    “Yes, I mean our marriage. We’re strangers who are about to attempt the impossible.”
    “Nonsense. There are plenty of instances where men and women marry for no other reason than financial concerns—combining powerful families or joining land grants, and so forth. Ours is a most sound business arrangement.”
    “For you, perhaps.”
    His voice grew stern. “For both of us.”
    Caro felt the sharp edge of his words prick her pride. “Of course.” It galled her to think she’d become so desperate as to sell herself in marriage to a man she didn’t care for in order to save her family. She was a most intelligent lady, after all. She should have come up with a better plan.
    “You needn’t worry. There isn’t any reason we can’t make this arrangement work.”
    Caro bit her tongue. It certainly would do no good for her to try to explain to him how terribly wrong it could go. “Nothing to do about it now, I suppose.”
    “Of course not. To make things easier, I’ve put together an itinerary for us to follow once we arrive at Slyddon. We shall begin with introductions to the staff. Once that is done, you can review their performances, and, based on your findings, you may disperse their responsibilities as you see fit. I shall, of course, provide you with a list of requirements for running the lodge. At present we have four guests in residence, and of course there are the local gentry to be considered…”
    Without considering her intentions, her husband continued on for some time, reciting an endless litany of what was expected of her in her new life. Panic set in as she saw her life spinning out of control.
    She was grateful for one thing: At least he had the good manners not to mention the true reason for their marriage, the conception of a child.
    After their passionate moments the night before, Caro was sure that they’d have no problem with that task. It had been so easy to fall into each other’s arms and do what nature demanded.
    “You’re wearing that expression again. What’s the bother?” He leaned over to her. “Are you worried about your success conceiving a child? I gave that quite a bit of thought, that either of us might not be able to produce a child. I did put a stipulation in the contract stating that if no child is born within five years of our marriage, then you will be released from the conception clause and allowed to retain your station and the entitlements owed you as my wife.”
    “How very generous of you, Your Grace,” she said, clenching her teeth.
    The man was

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