To Bed A Montana Man (Montana Men)

To Bed A Montana Man (Montana Men) by KyAnn Waters Page A

Book: To Bed A Montana Man (Montana Men) by KyAnn Waters Read Free Book Online
Authors: KyAnn Waters
slam the door.
    “I like you, Joseph. You’re the only friend I have in the whole Montana Territory. Except of course, Marion and Sandy. There were others at the brothel, but I wasn’t close to them. I suppose if I’d been there longer, I would’ve gotten to know them better. But then again, maybe not. Marion and I got along best.”
    Train covered her hand with his. “Allison,” he interrupted. “I’m not real good with words, but I didn’t ask you to come walking to build a friendship. I think you know I’m interested in more.”
    “I do,” she said.
    A mild breeze blew her hair gently around her face. His fingers grazed her cheek, and then pulled a tendril from her eyes. “I guess we ought to put our cards on the table.”
    Allison looked at the ground. “Joseph, you don’t really know me.” She started to walk again. “I don’t want to be courted. I want to go for walks with a friend I can trust. We can share supper and laugh together.”
    “You just described courting.” He stopped her again. Pushing his cowboy hat higher onto his head, he leaned into her. “There’s just one other thing that goes along with courting.” He brushed his lips softly against hers.
    Allison didn’t pull away. She waited for the tingle that never came. Granted, it was nice. His lips were soft and he only applied the slightest pressure. After she opened her eyes, she saw him looking at her with interest.
    They walked without much conversation for a little while longer. As the skies began to grow dark, Train stopped at the bottom of the steps leading to the house. TJ had neglected to leave a lantern lit for her return.
    “I’ll go in with you.” He placed one foot on the step until Allison put her hand on his chest.
    “TJ didn’t look happy when we left. Your coming in wouldn’t be good for either one of us.”
    He nodded his agreement. “When can I see you again?”
    “Tomorrow,” she said and laughed. “I’m going to be working in the garden. Come by for a minute if you get a chance.”
    “I’ll make time.” He didn’t try to kiss her lips again. Instead, he kissed her gloved hand.
    Allison opened the door. The room was much darker than she expected. There was usually some light from the living room. However, because of the warm evening, TJ hadn’t built a fire.
    Allison tried feeling her way to the nearest lamp. She cleaned every inch of the house. She ought to be able to find the side table without hurting herself or tipping anything over. The spark of a match startled her.
    “Did you have a nice time?” TJ held the match near his face and then lit the lamp next to him.
    “You scared me.” She tossed her wrap onto the chair and walked across the room with a stiff stride. “What are you doing sitting in the dark?” Her pulse suddenly jumped into an erratic rhythm. She poured two fingers of something into a crystal glass at the bar. “Can I get you a drink? I need one.” She brought the glass to her lips and swallowed the liquor. A cough erupted from her chest and her throat caught fire from the burn.
    TJ vaulted out of the chair. She barely saw his quick movement. “You don’t drink, remember.” He took the glass from her trembling hand and set it back on the bar. “And I’ve already had enough.”
    “I do what I want.” She poured another two fingers and drank it the same way. Her body convulsed over the taste. She swallowed, trying to get passed the vile flavor. “I am your maid and nanny,” she said, her voice hoarse. She coughed. “How does that give you the right to choose my evening activities?” Pulling off her gloves, she tossed them aside.
    “You can do what you want, not with Train.” He grabbed a glass and filled it half way. His head fell back as he drank the entire amount.
    Allison replenished her drink, this time taking as much as TJ.
    “You’ll be sick,” he said. She narrowed her eyes and drank, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.
    “If I want to drink, I’ll

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