Tingle All the Way

Tingle All the Way by MacKenzie McKade

Book: Tingle All the Way by MacKenzie McKade Read Free Book Online
Authors: MacKenzie McKade
Tags: BDSM
let you
come? What kind of a punishment would that be?” Barry asked.
    Slamming her head back on a pillow, she
released a whimper of frustration. The need to climax and the intense pressure
from the clit clamp made her writhe wildly in search of fulfillment. It was
humiliating, and by their cocky grins they knew it.
    “I think it’s time for that spanking.” Stan
got off the bed and moved toward the table.
    Barry followed, retrieving a chair, a rope,
and a pair of nylon manacles before he moved toward a swag lamp hanging in the
corner. He stepped atop the chair and that’s when Kayla saw the D-ring masked
by the chain holding the lamp. After threading the rope through the ring, Barry
stepped down and set the chair aside.
    God. The man was an Adonis, from the span
of his muscled chest to his narrow hips and corded thighs. She loved everything
about this man, from his body to the tender way he kissed her, made love to
her. Tingles spread through her body. Her nipples beaded, her breasts full and heavy
with need. She wanted him to touch her, kiss her, to make love to her.
    “Come here, baby.” His pet name smoothed
across her skin like a caress.
    The bell tinkled with every move she made.
When she stood before him, he secured her wrists with the manacles before
attaching them to the rope. In no time her hands were above her head. The
position raised her breasts, presenting them to him. But the thing that chilled
her, that sent a shiver racing through her, was the vulnerability that stole
over her. For some crazy reason it almost felt liberating.
    His warm palm smoothed over her cheek.
“God, I want to fuck you.”
    Her pussy wept for him. Kayla felt it drip
on her leg.
    From out of nowhere, the urge to tell him
how she felt about him surfaced, but the tender words were stifled when Stan
stepped forward with a cat-o’-nine-tails. Nine knotted cords fell from the whip
against his palm as he walked behind her.
    Kayla bit down on her bottom lip. The
mantra, “Barry won’t let him hurt me,” hummed over and over in her head.
Another wave of excitement poured through her, dampening her thighs.
    “Spread your legs.” The playfulness was
gone from Stan’s voice when it came from behind her.
    Nervously, she wet her lips, sucking the
bottom one between her teeth. Her head tilted, listening, while her body grew
tense again.
    “Easy, baby.” Barry ran a finger across her
bottom lip until she released the grip her teeth had, and then he pressed his
mouth to hers, catching her startled breath when the cool flogger swept lightly
across her shoulder. A tremor assailed her as the leather slid down her back,
then through her legs, setting off the bell hanging from her clit. “That’s it,
    It was easy to relax when Barry’s strong
hands caressed her. His touch was so gentle, so reassuring. But the tranquility
didn’t last long when a sharp sting cracked across an ass cheek.
    Kayla yelped, straining against Barry and
her bonds.
    “Did that hurt?” he asked.
    “Yes.” Oh God, yes. As if a million fire
ants were biting her skin.
    The whip bit into her other cheek and a
whimper slipped from her lips. She trembled but Barry was there to soothe her
with soft words and kisses. There was something in his low, consoling voice
that made Kayla almost pray for the next strike so she could hear his breathy
    Stan dragged the tails softly over her body
once again. “You should see how the strands mark her beautiful skin. I could
play with her for hours.”
    That’s when the next crack of his flogger
fell, striking the back of both her thighs. She didn’t have time to breathe
before the next one struck her ass, then her thighs, again and again.
    Kayla wasn’t aware she was weeping, begging
for it to end, until Barry’s encouragement cut through the fog her mind had
become. She looked through misty eyes and he smiled so tenderly.
    “Do you want to use your safe word? Kayla?
Baby? It would please me if you withstood

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