Timeless Desire
    Chapter One
    Emily received some strange looks and frowns from the
people she passed as she walked across the graveled drive toward the front
entrance of Westbury Hall. She could appreciate their confusion. It was closing
time for the stately home and the last of the visitors were being politely ushered
out of the building, yet she was heading inside. What’s more, she’d been
invited. She had a job to do.
    An elderly lady stood in the porch smiling and nodding
as she held the door open for those departing. Most of them seemed in no hurry
to leave, stopping to make comments to the woman, thanking her for a lovely
visit and so on. Emily waited patiently, allowing the patrons to leave before
attempting to get in. When the staff member—most likely a volunteer, Emily
thought—caught sight of her, she gave her a polite nod of acknowledgment.
    Finally, the last of Westbury Hall’s visitors moved out,
leaving Emily free to enter. Climbing the single stone step to the threshold of
the front porch, she took the hand that had already been offered to her.
    Shaking Emily’s hand with a surprising firmness, the
woman said, “You must be Miss Stone.” Her smart appearance and the intelligence
in her eyes indicated that despite her advancing age, she was far from past it.
“I’m Mrs. Thompson, house supervisor.”
    “I am,” replied Emily, dropping her hand back to her
side, “but please, call me Emily. It’s lovely to meet you. So, house supervisor?
Do you live on site?” Not a volunteer, then, but a paid member of staff.
    Indicating Emily should step inside the entrance hall,
Mrs. Thompson proceeded to close and lock the porch and front doors of the
house, securing them in.
    “I do,” the older woman said, turning back to face
Emily, “I have rooms in a separate building just off the back of this one. So
you needn’t worry about me disturbing you.”
    “Oh no,” said Emily, worried she’d inadvertently
rubbed Mrs.   Thompson up the wrong way, “I
didn’t mean that. I was just curious, that’s all. You’re more than welcome to
see me at work, although I’m afraid you won’t see anything terribly exciting.”
    The older woman smiled now, the warmth reaching her
eyes. Emily almost sagged with relief. She’d yet to see the extent of the work she
had to do, but she’d been told it was no easy task, so she could be here for
some time. The last thing she needed was to upset any of the staff.
    “Oh, you’d be surprised, my dear. This is a
fascinating old place. Of course, all these old houses have history, but Westbury
Hall’s is particularly rich.”
    Emily grinned. The woman’s enthusiasm was infectious.
“Well then,” she replied, “I can’t wait to learn more about it. I hope you’ll
feed me some historical tidbits throughout the time I’m here?”
    Mrs. Thompson’s expression turned enigmatic. Then,
startling Emily somewhat, she turned smartly on her heel and walked deeper into
the house. “Come, my dear, I won’t hold you up any longer. I’ll show you to the
library, where you’ll soon start uncovering Westbury’s illustrious history for
    Walking quickly to keep up with the deceptively
sprightly Mrs. Thompson, Emily looked at her surroundings as she dashed past
them. She hoped she’d be able to enjoy the property in a more leisurely manner
at some point, but for now she was actually glad of the old woman’s haste. It
was time to see her new project.
    As they reached the library, at the end of a long,
creaky- floorboarded corridor, Mrs. Thompson grasped
the doorknobs and flung the double doors open. The move was somewhat
theatrical, and Emily had to bite her bottom lip in order to suppress a smile.
As she followed the house supervisor into the room, however, she quickly forgot
her mirth and her mouth dropped open in wonder.
    Forgetting the old woman’s presence entirely, Emily
moved into the centre of the room and looked around her. As she slowly turned a
full three hundred

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