Time Will Tell (Timeless Series)

Time Will Tell (Timeless Series) by Sandy Loyd

Book: Time Will Tell (Timeless Series) by Sandy Loyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Loyd
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“What are you talking about? What happened?”
    “I went back in time. Here on the farm. Not in my sleep like the last time, remember?” She nodded and Libby added, “Bev, it was the weirdest thing. I can’t explain it. The trees called to me. I know it sounds crazy. I’m having a hard time believing it myself, except look at this.” She pulled the old hat Berta had given her out from under her vest. The hat Libby found on the ground next to her after waking up was proof enough, at least for her, that her ordeal hadn’t been a dream.
    Bev took the hat and examined it. “Looks old.” She remained silent for a few seconds. “It is just like before, but different. You know. Than when you went back to see your mom. What do you think it means? Why would you go back here?”
    Libby shrugged. “I don’t know. But to be honest, I loved seeing the farm in its beginning stages.”
    Bev sighed and a wistful yearning entered her expression. “Think of all that history.”
    She followed Bev into the stall, wanting to hug her friend for believing in the impossible.
    Brush in hand, Bev ran it over the mare’s back. “So, what’s it like? Back then? I gotta tell you, Libby, I wish it had been me.”
    “Geez, Bev, I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t talk to you about something so outlandish.” Merely thinking about Dave’s reaction had her mentally groaning. She rolled her eyes, then smiled. “Just the fact that I can sit here and discuss this experience with you calms me. I feel better already.”
    “You didn’t answer my question.” Bev’s gaze sparkled with curiosity. “What’s it like?”
    “Different, yet in some weird way it’s the same. There’s so much to tell you and no time since I have to meet Doug in the other stable. How about getting together after work for a beer?”
    Her grin spread. “I’m always game for a beer. I’ll meet you in the parking lot at nine.”
    Upon entering the other stable, Libby spotted Doug in a stall housing one of the Montana mares.
    He looked up when she approached. “Good to see you. Can you start grooming the bay mare in stall five? I’ll be there when I’m done here.”
    “Hey, beauty,” Libby said to the mare as she entered the stall and reached for a brush. She spent a few minutes brushing before Gus joined her.
    They worked side by side for a few moments before he said, “These mares haven’t been named yet. Thought the kids coming through in the first session could give us their ideas and we can draw the names out of a hat. What do you think?”
    Libby smiled, remembering coming up with a few quirky names as a teen. “I think it’s a great idea, as long as you don’t mind what the kids might dream up.”
    “I’m not particular and I’m pretty sure the horse won’t know the difference as long as she is loved and taken care of.” Doug nodded to the mare. “Help me check her foal’s position.”
    Libby heaved a contented sigh, positive that quitting her job at the store to return to the farm had been the right thing to do. Still, as she let tasks she loved absorb her attention, her time travel adventure stayed in the forefront of her thoughts, as did her resolve to somehow make Dave understand her dream.
    Finally, she looked at her watch. Eight fifty -five. Time to meet Bev to talk things out.
    Despite Libby’s long day in the past and an additional three hours doing much the same thing in the present, renewed energy coursed through her system.
    Her step was light as she headed in the direction of her car. She turned and caught sight of Bev, who waved and called, “Let’s go to Giorgio’s.”
    Libby nodded, an abrupt movement that mirrored her excitement.
    “Libby! Bev!” The shout resonated across the room the moment they walked into the noisy bar and grill. “Long time no see. Where have you two been hiding? We’ve missed you.” Giorgio, the owner and bartender, waved.
    “I saved those just for you.” Giorgio nodded to the

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