Time Will Tell

Time Will Tell by Fiona McCallum

Book: Time Will Tell by Fiona McCallum Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona McCallum
towards Jake; he seemed to genuinely understand how she felt about the diamonds and why.
    â€˜In that case, I don’t think anyone else should know about them,’ he suddenly said. ‘God, I wish I hadn’t realised the first one I found was a diamond – if I hadn’t done that damned course. I’m so sorry, Em.’
    â€˜Don’t be, Jake; it’s not your fault. And it was – is – an exciting find.’ And it had been, until she’d had the intervening hours to let the ramifications seep in. Probably best they had, otherwise she might have got all carried away and blurted it out in front of Barbara, David and Des. And then the romance of Gran’s secret would have been shattered.
    â€˜It’s just so frustrating. If you’re not meant to use the diamonds, why find them in the first place? It’s like a bad joke.’
    â€˜Maybe it’s a test,’ Emily said, shrugging. ‘How hungry are you?’
    â€˜Not overly. But then I always think that until I start eating your wonderful food.’ He smiled warmly at her.
    â€˜Well, don’t get too excited, it’s only cold meat and vegetables and bread, remember,’ she said with a laugh.
    â€˜Sounds perfect to me. What shall I do with these?’ Jake pointed at the row of glossy stones.
    â€˜I reckon put them back in the jar and shake it up.’
    â€˜I suppose they have been there safely for the past sixty years or so – well, in a jar.’ He put the stones in one by one before putting the rusting lid back on and tightening it up. He stared at the well-defined layers for a few moments before walking the few steps over to Emily and holding the jar out to her.
    â€˜I can’t bear to shake it up after all the time we spent sorting them,’ he said with an apologetic grimace.
    Grinning widely, Emily accepted the jar, turned it upside down, gave it a couple of turns and a gentle shake, and handed it back.
    â€˜Actually,’ she said, ‘I like it better muddled – far too contrived in layers. Much more like Gran this way,’ she added with a grin.
    â€˜Where do you want me to put it?’ Jake asked.
    â€˜In the pantry, up the top for now, while I think of somewhere better.’
    Since moving in, Emily had often thought of putting the jar on display, but she didn’t want her mother telling her how ridiculous it looked. Enid’s well-practised sneer could still turn her into a humiliated five year old. Maybe one day she’d get over it, or come up with a clever reason for the jar’s public presence. Until then it would have to stay hidden.
    They sat down and started assembling their sandwiches in amiable silence.
    As Emily bit into her sandwich and watched Jake out of the corner of her eye, for a moment she felt her resolve about saying no to Nathan slipping. She thought how really nice it was having Jake here – male company in general.
    She liked how at ease Jake was, but without being too familiar. Without crossing the line. And she liked how at ease she was with him.
    But there was something more intense about Nathan – like he was trying too hard to please her. Or was that just because he was desperate for somewhere to stay? He had said there was no pressure.
    Looking back, she had to admit to feeling a little of Nathan’s intensity rubbing off on her in only the short time he’d been here. She had enough trouble staying calm generally; the last thing she needed was to start feeling on edge all the time again.
    This was her intuition speaking, wasn’t it? If so, she had to listen to it or else risk being bitten on the arse by hindsight somewhere down the track. She had to stay strong and phone him that night – keep it brief and firm. She had to say no, and get it over with. As soon as she’d finished eating.
    â€˜God, I completely forgot,’ Jake said suddenly. ‘Distracted by those damned diamonds, I mean

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