Time War: Invasion

Time War: Invasion by Nick S. Thomas

Book: Time War: Invasion by Nick S. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nick S. Thomas
shouts from those in the room before the explosion rang out, and could hear glass shattering on the ground outside as the windows were blown out.
    “You crazy son of a bitch!” Corwin yelled.
    But Porter ignored him and stepped into the doorway of the room. His rifle was held at the hip, and he opened up on full auto, cutting down the survivors as they desperately reached for any weapon to hand. Corwin couldn’t even get in as he blocked the only entrance, and Porter didn’t release his finger from the trigger until the magazine ran empty.
    Finally, as all went silent, he went into the room and up to the last soldier still moving, clubbing his skull with the butt of his rifle until he stopped moving. Corwin stepped inside to see it was utter carnage, only to find Porter kneeling down beside one of his victims. But he wasn’t doing so out of any remorse or concern. He pulled out the metal tin of cigarillos from the dead soldier’s tunic pocket and proceeded to light one up.
    “Was that really necessary?”
    “Think of a better way of taking out a room full of guys? Not like we could have done it quiet,” he replied, smoking the cigarillo and breathing out a puff of smoke with a triumphant smirk.
    Corwin went to the top of the stairs and yelled, “Everyone okay?”
    “All clear!” Vi answered.
    “Could be a nice spot to rest out the night,” said Porter.
    “Really? A Nazi HQ when the Allied invasion has already begun? We want to be as far away from here as we possibly can. Let’s round up everything we need and get the hell out of here."
    Rane, Nylund, Vi, and Hunter appeared at the base of the stairs and awaited his orders.
    “Take everything you can get. Find the best uniforms you can, and load up those vehicles with all the ammo there is. Fifteen minutes and we are out of here.”
    They separated to do as ordered. He rushed back upstairs to find Tano already dressing himself in one of the officer’s uniforms, while Chas was still in her underwear and stripping the other body. She took off the last item and then proceeded towards him to present the mound of clothing.
    “What do I want with this?” Corwin asked.
    “You have to be the other officer in this,” replied Tano.
    “Because you are in charge. Don’t worry, I will do any talking that needs to be done.”
    Corwin took the uniform. His knowledge of history wasn’t great, but he knew how awful the Nazi regime was, and he looked at the uniform with disgust.
    “Whatever it takes, remember,” said Tano to reassure him, “All the horrible things you’ve had to do, and you are balking at having to wear an offensive uniform?”
    “Sergeant, we’ve got incoming!” Nylund shouted.
    “He rushed to the edge of the stairs.
    “Who and how many?”
    “No idea, but they’re coming in fast!”
    “Take up positions. Cover all entry points, and keep your heads down!”

Chapter 6

    Corwin rushed to the window in the room where Porter had thrown the grenade. He dragged one of the bodies away from the blown window and stood beside it, peering out just enough to get a look at what was coming their way. He knew Lecia was still out there with Beyett. That gave him some relief, and also a fear of what might become of them.
    You see them?” he asked Porter who was at the next window.
    But even as he spoke, they saw movement in front of the gates. At first it was just a few men, and then more and more, until they could see a whole platoon forming there, and at least another platoon moving off to each flank. He could already tell they were not Germans. Their equipment was completely different, and he noticed a number wore red berets. He knew that as the iconic symbol of the British airborne.
    “Run or fight?”
    Corwin didn’t know how to answer.
    “They’re the good guys. We can’t fight them, and we won’t make it out on foot.”
    “We have to do something.”
    Corwin knew it was the case, but he had no idea what to do. He rushed

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