Time for Grace

Time for Grace by Kate Welsh

Book: Time for Grace by Kate Welsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Welsh
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pretended to and spit out meaningless platitudes like an out-of-control change machine.
    Sitting there with the drone of the plane’s big engines humming in her ears and the fluffy white clouds drifting by, Sarah almost felt at peace. And she could almost believe all was well with her life.
    And with time to think, she now wondered if Kip hadn’t actually given her one of the answers she sought. Because of Grace’s illness she’d needed the help of Angel Flight East. And she’d moved away from a community where she hadn’t ever really belonged. Kip had helped her find a charming affordable apartment in a lovely area along with a wonderful job she already loved. Because of Kip and Joy she would have all her furniture and had been able to bring along more of her own belongings than she’d dared hope.
    And Monday morning, Grace would have a life-saving surgery done by a world-renowned surgeon. After that it would be clear sailing for her. Grace would gain more weight and finally come home to be with her. So maybe all that was evidence that God was working in her life and using what seemed like a bad thing for the good.
    If Grace made it through the surgery, maybe some of this nightmare would make sense. Still, it hardly seemed fair to a tiny baby to be forced to begin life with such an uphill battle to fight just so her mother lived and worked where God, for some unknown reason, wanted her.
    Frustrated, Sarah stared out the cockpit window at God’s vast creation, determined to pray for her child. But though she said the words, begging God’s blessing on Dr. Prentice and, of course, on Grace, she felt none of the peace that prayer had once given her. The sad truth was she had once believed He listened, but now Sarah just wasn’t sure.
    Several hours later, Sarah walked back out of her bedroom and looked around her apartment. It was perfect. Exactly the way she’d pictured it before she’d gotten practical and began editing out the larger pieces of her furniture as not feasible to move.
    “This is the last of it,” Kip said as he came in with a second item she was reluctant to set up. Grace’s crib. It was still in its box like the matching combination dresser and dressing table had been before Miriam and her husband Gary insisted they put it together. She could hear them behind her, kibitzing over which pieces needed assembling next.
    “Just lean it there. I’ll drag it into the bedroom later,” she told him.
    Kip leaned away from the box a little and looked at the picture on the front. “Why don’t we put it together? Then you’ll have it ready and be able to visualize her where she belongs.”
    She bit her lip, unsure. She really hadn’t wanted to set up either of the pieces until Grace was ready to come home.
    “Sarah,” Kip said gently, “there’s no such thing as tempting fate. There’s no such thing as fate, bad luck or good luck. There’s just life. And God’s grace to get us through it.”
    She huffed out a breath. “I know. I guess I’m just anxious about Monday.”
    “What happens Monday?” Miriam asked from the doorway of the bedroom.
    Sarah turned. “Oh, I’m sorry. With all the hubbub over getting all this moved up here I forgot to tell you. Dr. Prentice called my cell phone just before we took off for home. He’s scheduled Grace’s surgery for Monday.”
    “That’s wonderful. It means our girl’s getting stronger!” Miriam exclaimed, but Sarah guessed some of her anxiety must have shown because Miriam’s smile faded. “Now, Sarah, it’s going to be all right. I just know it is. Still, you shouldn’t go through this alone. The problem is, I can’t take off if you do. That would mean finding two subs for the day and our list of available subs is pretty short right now.”
    “Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine. I’ve been doing things on my own a long time. I’m used to it.”
    Miriam frowned. “Well, you shouldn’t have to be. Pastor Jim leaves tomorrow

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