Tijuana Nights (The Nights Series Book 1)

Tijuana Nights (The Nights Series Book 1) by Leigh K. Hunt

Book: Tijuana Nights (The Nights Series Book 1) by Leigh K. Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh K. Hunt
right? Why are they getting us to do their dirty work?”
    Chase pursed his lips a little before answering. "It's a directive from the Santa Muerte Cartel. I believe they want access to the Tijuana and USA borders, and the El Diablo Cartel is hindering that."
    My blood ran cold. "You mean to say we’re helping another Cartel to smuggle drugs into the States?"
    "That is a part of their operation, yes. I’m doing it for different reasons. A part of me is doing this for you. Had your plane not been blown to shit, I wouldn't have stayed here. Instead, I thought that this would help you resolve your issues with Carmen."
    I blew out the breath I was holding. "You guys stayed because of me?"
    "Because you got me into this mess?"
    Chase smiled and shrugged. "That, and also...because I like you. You fit well with our team. And I don't say that about just anyone."
    "Just how many people have you had on your team before?"
    Chase shrugged. "A few. None were quite as pretty as you though." I felt a blush crawl up my face, and turned my face to the window so that he wouldn’t see my embarrassment. We were driving through a fairly swanky part of the city. I hadn't been in this area before. Low lying sleek apartment buildings surrounded us, and Chase started to slow the car.
    Chase looked out the windscreen at a glass building, and pointed. "That's his building right there," he said. We found a park and got out of the car. I wanted nothing more than to have a cigarette right now. My nerves were starting to get to me.
    "Which one's his?"
    "Top floor," Chase said as he took my arm. "Come on, beautiful. You have a role to play."
    Chase took two seconds with a small pick and the flick of his wrist, and he had Nicandro's apartment door unlocked.
    He paused as he listened for any sign of movement before stepping through. "Take your dress off," he instructed.
    I didn't have the nerve to start an argument with him right then, so I did as I was instructed, undoing the side zip, and letting it fall to the floor.
    His eyes raked over my body and I shivered, immediately remembering the naked thoughts I had of him earlier. "Now your heels," he whispered.
    I bent over, and undid the small buckles on my shoes with shaking fingers. I wished he didn't have to see me standing there in my underwear. In was unnerving.
    He gave me a small smile when I stood up. "Now just relax, and go and get into bed with him." Before I turned to leave him standing at the door, he ruffled up my hair slightly. "Good, go."
    The apartment was all wooden floors, and full height windows, every surface was glossy lacquer. It reminded me of something out of the magazine in Chase’s room. I crept through the apartment until I heard the sound of snoring. I snuck into Nicandro's room, and slid between the sheets, and faced the door. I tried to relax as much as I could. Chase peeped around the doorframe and winked.
    This was my worst nightmare.
    I tried to amuse myself with thoughts of flying home and paying Luke out and getting my house back into tip top shape. I really wanted to see my aunt, and I imagined what it would be like to pay her care fees a full year in advance. All I had to do was make it home. There was no place like home, there was no place like home. My new mantra.
    Nicandro rolled over towards me. I turned towards him. He was completely naked beneath the sheet. "Oh my god," I whispered. What the hell was I doing here?
    As he lifted his arm over his head, I saw that he had a panther tattooed on the side of his ribcage. It didn't look like a normal tattoo though. It was red, and looked as though it was indented into his skin, making me desperately want to touch it - to trace it with my fingers. I wondered what the cat meant. Perhaps it was something stupid he did when he was younger. I tucked my hands beneath the pillow, which reeked of his cologne, and waited.
    That was when he opened his eyes and looked at me. I wasn't expecting it. In fact, I almost jumped.

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