Ties of Blood

Ties of Blood by D.W. Jackson

Book: Ties of Blood by D.W. Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.W. Jackson
Tags: Death, Fantasy, Magic, War, love, fun, &NEW, soldier, cheap
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guard noticed Ballard only when the massive man’s sword was already descending toward him. A brief scream erupted from his mouth but was soon replaced with the sound of gurgling as the man's mouth was filled with his own blood. The second guard had enough time to draw his blade and call for reinforcements before Eloen met his with her blade. She struck fast and hard at the guard knocking his blade aside the brought her blade back into the man’s exposed neck.
    Eloen and Ballard searched the guards for a key but none was to be found. Biting back a curse Eloen took up a defensive position waiting on the rest of the enemy soldiers to descend upon them while Ballard used his strength and massive sword to try and cut through the door.
    In a matter of moments the first of the roaming sentries made his way to where she stood and began his assault. He was fairly skilled but his armor slowed his movements making it easy for the light warrior to dance away from his blade striking at each opportunity she was given. Though she had scored a half dozen hits none of them had been deep enough to bring the warrior down.
    Focused on her opponent she almost missed the sound of a second enemy coming up behind her. At the last moment she dodged to the side barely escaping from having her head permanently removed from her shoulders.
    Coming back to her feet Eloen noticed the sight of the rest of the soldiers making their way toward their position. In a matter of moments they would be overrun. Her strength and skill was at its peak as she charged back toward the two soldiers who had turned their attention to Ballard who was almost through the heavy wooden door of the carriage. Eloen was able to get between them driving her sword between the first man’s armor at the knee. The man screamed and fell back pinching the blade of her sword between his armor and yanking the blade from her hand.
    Acting quickly, Eloen pulled a small dagger from a hidden sheath under the folds of her dress. The other soldier struck at her hard. She was able to turn away his strike but it still clipped her on the shoulder cutting though her dress before it was repelled by the armor. The man was slightly taken aback by the force that his blade was repelled with and he lost his balance. Eloen took his moment of weakness and jumped on the man’s chest driving her dagger into the man’s exposed skin under his arm. The soldier let out a loud scream as she pulled the blade free. Normally she would silence the solder's screams and free him from the painful death that was now certain but she didn’t have the time.
    Wiping the blade on her dress Eloen quickly replaced it in its hidden sheath as she made her way over to the other downed guard who tried furtively to remove her sword from his knee. Stepping down on the man’s leg she wrenched the blade free as he screamed loud enough to put a banshee to shame. With a quick slice the man’s throat opened up. She saw as his hands went to the new wound but she didn’t have the time to watch his final moments.
    Turning around she found Ballard prying the door to the carriage open. As she saw the door swing open she forgot about the enemy and ran toward Ballard. A tall man in his early twenties with short black hair jumped from the open door. His clothes were well made and looked like the finery a lord would wear not a prisoner. Ballard didn’t give the man a chance to speak instead he slammed the hilt of his sword down hard on the back of the man’s head sending him slumping to the ground.
    Picking up their guest Ballard and Eloen ran back toward their horses. A few seconds after they began their run they heard the tell-tale sound of the explosive orbs going off. Eloen had the urge to turn around and looked to see the destruction behind her but she fought it off and continued to run.
    Long before they reached where they had staked the horses the sound of a horse racing up behind them reached their ears. Eloen let out a stream of

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