Tied to a Boss

Tied to a Boss by J.L Rose

Book: Tied to a Boss by J.L Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.L Rose
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exactly 11:00 to have $250,000 and two bricks of that heroin you pushing. Have the shit at the Pine Hill mall on the south side parking lot. You got that?”
    “Where’s my sister?”
    You’ll see her when I get what I want,” Dante told Big Daddy, hanging up the phone just as Big Daddy was yelling something back through the phone.
    * * *
    Going about business as if nothing happen after the setup on Miguel the night before, Alinna heard talk of the cop killing with the added body of the hotel worker. Everybody was trying to figure out how the two were connected hearing that the women was married and talk of her and Miguel hooking up behind the husband’s back.
    Dealing with a new problem made her want Dante home even more now. Not hearing from him but once since Dre, Tony T, and him left for Alabama, Alinna was confused at first with the way she was feeling, only to set an appointment and find out that she was nearly a month pregnant.
    Telling Vanessa about the pregnancy expecting her to actually start tripping out about the whole thing, but was surprised to first see the huge smile and hadn’t expected her to hug her inside of a huge bear hug.
    “I’m gonna be an Auntie,” Vanessa cried excitedly still hugging Alinna.
    Pulling away from Vanessa smiling at her girl, Alinna fixed her clothes and said, “I’m happy that you’re happy, but I’m worried about what Dante’s going to say.”
    “What can he say?” Vanessa said and then added, “He’s gonna be a daddy, he’ll be happy, Alinna.”
    “I’m hoping he is happy, but we never talked about a baby or us having one. Then look at the shit we’re into, I just hope he ready for a baby, Vanessa,” Alinna told her girl, explaining as her smiled slipped a little at a time until it was completely gone.

    Chapter 12
    Parked inside the Pine Hills mall parking lot, positioned in the opening where they could easily be seen at from the front entrance of the mall entrance, Dante first saw the Escalade, and then another Escalade pulling inside the mall parking lot, until finally seeing the Benz truck as it pulled inside the parking lot behind the two Escalades.
    Looking down at his Mickey Mouse watch and seeing Big Daddy was three minutes late, Dante looked back up in time to see all three SUV’s pulling up in front of the rental, keeping a few feet back from them.
    “Come on,” Dante told Dre, climbing out of the rental, and walking around the front end of the rental. Dante positioned himself up against the front end of the truck, watching as Big Daddy exited the Benz truck and walked through the crowd of twelve bodyguards who were all gripping burners in their hands.
    “Where the fuck is my sister?” Big Daddy asked, as he started stared at both men he didn’t know or ever saw before.
    Ignoring Big Daddy’s question, Dante calmly asked, “Where’s the stuff I said I wanted?”
    “Where the fuck is my sister you bitch ass muthafucker?” Big Daddy said repeating himself.
    “I’m starting to get upset,” Dante said, still leaning against the front of the rental truck. “Last time asking and then you won’t have to worry about where your sister’s at. She’ll be with wherever it is a bitch goes after I put a bullet in their head. Where’s my money and heroin, fat boy?”
    Starting at the muthafucker who spoke to him, promising himself that he would kill the muthafucker before him or the big motherfucker he was with left the parking lot, Big Daddy called out to somebody named Cole. He watched one of the bodyguards that Big Daddy called out, walk off from the group, stop over next to one of the Escalades opening the back door, and pulled out two black briefcases. Dante shifted his eyes back to Big Daddy finding the fat bastard staring straight at him. “Everything better be there.”
    “Everything’s there,” Big Daddy replied, motioning for Cole to take the briefcase to the guys.
    Watching as the bodyguards stepped forward, Dante tapped the

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