Tianna Xander

Tianna Xander by The Fire Dragon Page B

Book: Tianna Xander by The Fire Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Fire Dragon
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, dragon, witch
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desk, she sat down on her hands to keep herself from
twisting her fingers and watched as Armand moved from his desk to
the chair opposite the couch.
    She was proud of herself, really. She
waited a full thirty-five seconds before she launched herself at
him. “I don’t know why, but I can’t wait to feel your hands on my
    “ I feel the same,
    Taking that as an admission of more
tender feelings he had yet to display, Tansy wrapped her arms
around his neck and pressed her lips against his. Her only thought
had been to feel his lips against hers a moment ago, now she was
confused all over again that she could feel this way for two men as
thoughts of Antonio invaded her mind.
    His kiss wasn’t what she expected at
all. It did nothing for her emotionally, though a part of her still
couldn’t keep her hands from roaming over his broad shoulders and
well-formed chest. Still, something niggled at the back of her
mind. Wasn’t something supposed to happen when a witch kissed her
    Armand grasped her by the waist, his
lips still locked with hers and slid his hands beneath the hem of
her blouse. The door burst open just as he lifted his hands and
began to remove her shirt.
    Tansy, jerked back, her face burning
with mortification at the interruption. Yanking the hem of her
blouse back down to her waist, she glanced toward the door and
their newest visitor. With a gasp, she pushed away from Armand and
fell to the floor on her rear with an inglorious thump.
    “ Hi!” She reached up to
smooth her hair with trembling fingers. What was he doing standing there in
the doorway? “Antonio! I didn’t expect to see you here.”
    He turned that beautiful green gaze on
her, his expression filled with what she thought looked like a
mixture of anger and pain. “I wish could say the same to you.” He
turned his stormy expression toward Armand. “We have business,
Armand. I would like speak to you alone.”
    * * * *
    Tony could feel himself losing control.
His dragon struggled to break free of the tight hold he had on it.
It raged at finding his mate in the arms of another male. The
dragon may be a part of him, but it still maintained the ancient
code which was, never mess with another male’s mate.
    His mate. The woman Tony waited over five-thousand years for sat
staring up at him as though she didn’t know what she was doing
here. She probably didn’t. She was under the influence of the world’s strongest
aphrodisiac after all.
    He clenched his fists in an effort to
keep himself from changing into his dragon form. There wasn’t room
for it here. The office was too small and he didn’t want to harm
Tansy. He had almost lost control at Drake’s home when he learned
that his mate was here with this French fop and that Drake
suspected Armand had been exposed to Dragon’s Desire.
    Dragon’s Desire was an aphrodisiac that
affected dragons as well as humans. That his mate was here with
Armand, could only mean that Tansy was under the influence as
    He didn’t want to believe it at first,
but when her sister Rose told him she was here and it looked as
though Armand was her mate, Tony stormed from the house and
immediately made his way across the state. He almost smiled at the
thought of ripping the other man to shreds.
    After waiting so long for this woman,
he wasn’t going to give her up now. Not after he’d finally begun to
live again. Hell, he’d been without a woman, a person to share his
life with for so long, he had even contemplated ending his life. It
wasn’t unusual for one of his kind to end their existence after
several lifetimes of awaiting a mate that never came.
    Even though Tony knew what Tansy was
doing here and why, it didn’t stop his anger from surfacing. Armand
knew Tony was days from staking his claim, yet he exposed himself
to the drug and allowed the woman to throw herself at
    It didn’t matter that Tony knew they
both were under the influence of Dragonkin’s

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