Through The Leaded Glass
women’s work. If they agreed he’d
give her the skins, he hasn’t fulfilled the terms of the bargain.
She’s absolutely right not to give him the coat. She should just
give him the sheep back.”
    “ Kate, I will deal with this.”
While he admired her spirit and quick mind, she could not subvert
his authority.
    Lawrence stepped forward. “‘Cept she killed
‘em, m’lord. Out of spite, she did.”
    “ I did not,” said Mistress Hester.
“They died. Someone cut their throats.”
    “ Excuses! You owe me a coat.”
Lawrence strode toward her.
    Kate was out of her chair and off the dais
before Lawrence could get close to Hester.
    But he was too close to Kate for Alex’s
    “ Look, here, buddy.” Kate poked his
shoulder. “Since you weaseled out of your end of the bargain and
tried to ruin her good name, I say we let her keep the dead sheep
for their meat, and let her do whatever she wants with their hides.
It’s called restitution for slandering her.”
    The woman didn’t have the sense to see
Lawrence’s anger was about to be unleashed—on her.
    “ And another thing—”
    “ Enough, Kate.” Alex stormed to his
feet. He’d seen the twitch of Lawrence’s hand. The man was about to
commit an unforgivable act. For everyone’s sake, he needed to end
this. “Kate, sit. I will handle Lawrence.”
    He’d known she wouldn’t take it well. He may
not have known Kate long, but he knew she would not enjoy being
spoken to in this manner. But it couldn’t be helped; his word was
law and she needed to learn that.
    “ But, my lord—” said
    Lawrence needed to learn it as well. “Silence.
This is the fifth time you’ve appeared before me in as many weeks.
The magistrate will no longer hear your complaints. Nor will I. If,
in the future, you wish me to hear another, I would suggest it have
    “ Lady Katherine is correct. For
attempting to spoil Mistress Hester’s good name, you’ll forfeit the
sheep to her. If you still require your coat, this time you’ll
provide the shearlings and the meat as promised. And, Mistress
Hester, I shall have one of my men see to the tanning of the skins.
You’ll have your children’s food and the skins for their clothing.
That is all.”
    “ But ‘tis not fair, m’ lord,” said
Lawrence. “I demand my due.”
    “ Think carefully, Lawrence, before
demanding anything of your lord.” Alex paused when Lawrence scowled
at Kate and muttered something. “Do you require time in the pillory
to refresh your memory of who you are addressing?”
    “ Nay, m’ lord.” Lawrence barely
managed a bow before limping toward the door.
    Alex called Stephen over. “Put a man on him. I
want to know his actions for the next few days. And send Beatrice
    “ Yes, my lord.” Stephen left the
room by a side door, signaling two of his men to accompany
    Kate leaned over to Alex. “I’m sorry for
getting involved, but he pushed one of my hot buttons.”
    He needed no reminder of the passion within
Kate. Their kiss had been enough.
    “ Kate, I can forgive your actions
now because you aren’t familiar with our ways, but my people are
not accustomed to someone speaking for me.” Nor was he.
    “ But I couldn’t just let him
threaten her. She’s a single mom, just trying to put food on her
kids’ table and he—”
    “ All things I considered, Kate. I
would have done exactly as you suggested. But you need to allow me
to do so. This is my keep and for all that you are my betrothed,
you can’t speak for me when I’m in the room. It’s not
    She sighed, but thankfully did not pursue the
matter. He would not relish punishing Kate.
    “ I get it. I don’t like it,
but I undrestand.” She sat back in her chair and crossed her legs.
The hem of her dress rose and Alex caught a glimpse of smooth
golden skin. He chose not to advise her that such displays were
also not done.
    “ But it should please you to learn
that, as my countess, you will have

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