so be a waste to lose your virginity to a moron like my brother.”
“I wouldn’t sleep with him, Jen. With Ian, second base at best.” She shrugged. “Maybe third if I’ve been drinking.”
“You don’t drink.”
“True. But wait until basketball season is over next year and I’m not in training anymore. I’m going hog wild.”
I had a feeling she really would. A year from now when she had less to lose.
“To tell you the truth. I’m not that into him. If you’re getting over Derek, I may want to play with him a little bit.”
“You are welcome to him.” Anybody was better than my brother. I considered telling her about his video game but stopped myself.
“So seriously did Leo kiss you, or not?”
“Does he make you all breathless and dizzy?”
I smiled. “Yeah. Of course, maybe it was the hybrid he was driving. I do love the environment.”
“He drives a hybrid?”
“His dad does, actually. Leo usually rides a Harley.”
Her jaw dropped. “Oh my God, Jen. That is so not fair. I’m the one who likes the older bad boy type. Not you.” She tossed a throw pillow at me.
“He’s not older.”
“Pulease. He’s at least nineteen. He just doesn’t want to say he’s been held back a couple of times.”
I didn’t have anything to say. I couldn’t reveal anything so I didn’t comment. “I know I usually don’t go for his type.”
“Leo’s smokin’ hot.”
Alex laughed.
When I finally got to sleep, I dreamed I was obsessed with a giant tampon. I chased it through the mall until I finally woke up. Why did my dreams always have to be so weird?
Chapter Eight
Mom and Dad had strict rules about Sunday dinner. We ate at one o’clock and everybody had to show.
I ran through the door at ten ‘til and dashed upstairs to dump my bag and purse in my room.
Sean passed me in the hall carrying a book.
Ha! “Oh, cool. Whatcha reading?” I hadn’t had much time to enjoy his punishment.
“Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz,” Sean said with a smirk. “It’s really cool. It’s about this fourteen-year-old boy who’s a spy.”
“A boy? No way.” He was spoiled rotten. “Mom and Dad said they had to be girl books.”
He sneered at me. “I already read two girl books, so they let me read this one before starting back. They’re afraid I’ll hate reading altogether.”
“How could you have read two books already?”
“One of them was a Junie B. Jones.”
“Those don’t count. That’s only like a second-grade reading level.”
He shrugged. “Mom and Dad said it was fine.”
“No way.”
Sean gave me an exaggerated frown. “It was the toughest thirty minutes of my life.”
He could read a book like that in thirty minutes. “It does not count.”
“Go ask Mom.”
“I will!” That little creep was just lucky my RokrGirlz loop understood. If they hadn’t, I wouldn’t let the punishments end with Mom and Dad.
Leaving Sean behind me in the hall, I raced down to the kitchen. “Mom! Did you really let Sean—”
Mom held up her hand. “We let him count one Junie B. Jones, and we’ve made it clear that the other books must be on grade level. As for the boy book break, I don’t think it’s such a bad idea. He’ll get through his ten required books in no time. The child has a month with no TV.”
“End of discussion,” Mom said. “Now tell me about Alex’s. Did you have fun?”
I took a deep breath to control my irritation. “Yes. Her mother’s on another diet. We had Subway for dinner.”
“Another diet,” Mom said with a shake of her head.
“Soups on!” Dad yelled from the kitchen.
Uggh. Dad’s chili stunk. There wasn’t anything worse.
“Get your game face on,” Mom said. “I’ll cover for you after.”
Mom and I had a long-standing deal. I pretend to like Dad’s chili and Mom aids and abets my secret runs to Wendy’s afterwards.
“Yum, Dad,” I said as I went into the kitchen.
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