Three-Ring Terror

Three-Ring Terror by Franklin W. Dixon

Book: Three-Ring Terror by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
started smearing it on his face. “Without makeup, our costumes aren’t very authentic.”
    Joe sighed and started applying the makeup. “It’s too bad we missed Chet’s makeup class. If we’d gone, we’d know what we’re doing right now.”
    â€œImprovise,” Frank urged, reaching for a large tube of red lipstick and applying it to his mouth. He drew a circle above his lips and around his mouth and filled it in with lipstick. “And hurry. We don’t have much time.”
    In a few minutes, Frank and Joe were completely in costume, clown face, wigs, and shoes. “Let’s go!” Frank urged when he saw Joe was done drawing thick eyebrows and smearing his eyelids with black makeup.
    Frank eased the door to Rosen’s dressing room open, peeked into the hallway, and saw that itwas empty. He stepped out of the room and motioned for Joe to follow him.
    â€œJust act casual,” Frank urged his brother under his breath. “If we prowl around long enough, we’re sure to spot Rosen.”
    â€œIt’s kind of hard to act casual when you’re dressed like a dork,” Joe told his brother.
    Frank ignored the comment and strolled down the hallway, his huge shoes flapping in front of him. Around them, the Montero Brothers Circus was getting ready for that afternoon’s performance. Clowns and other performers moved back and forth between dressing rooms and prop rooms, and prop people carried stilts and toy cars toward the freight elevator.
    â€œHe’s got to be around here somewhere,” Frank told Joe.
    â€œUnless he took off once and for all,” Joe told him.
    â€œBut it’s the twentieth,” Frank reminded his brother. “According to his code, something’s going to happen today.”
    As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Frank spotted Rosen’s telltale baggy green striped pants coming out of clown alley.
    â€œThere he is,” Frank whispered, trying not to be heard. “Come on!”
    Frank took off at a brisk walk, trying not to arouse Rosen’s suspicion. Joe followed in step.“Easy, now,” Frank warned his brother. “Don’t catch up to him too quickly.”
    â€œDon’t worry,” Joe muttered, reaching up to straighten his wig. “At the rate I’m going, I won’t be able to catch up with you! ”
    As they got closer, Frank felt his heart beating triple-time. They were about to nab the mysterious juggler once and for all.
    Rosen turned around and looked toward them. Frank held his breath. He hoped Rosen wouldn’t recognize them.
    The juggler did a double take, looking puzzled. Then he turned back to the woman he was talking to and handed her something. Frank was still too far away to see what it was.
    â€œWe’ve got to get him,” Joe hissed under his breath. “I’m not letting that guy get away again.”
    â€œKeep cool,” Frank urged, watching Rosen talk to the woman. The Hardys moved a bit closer and heard Rosen say, “Get out of here.” Then he turned so that his back was to Frank and Joe.
    Joe grabbed his brother’s arm. “What’s he doing?” he asked.
    â€œI don’t know,” Frank said under his breath. Then, before Frank could say another word, Rosen took off at a brisk pace down the hall.
    â€œGet him!” Frank cried out.
    Joe surged ahead, with Frank not far behind. Rosen was still a good twenty feet away. Helooked over his shoulder at the Hardys and broke into a run.
    Frank and Joe came up quickly on the short, blond woman who had been talking to Rosen. What they saw shocked them—and stopped them both dead in their tracks.
    The woman was Justine Leone. And in her hands was one of Rosen’s gem-studded balls!

12 The Plot Thickens
    â€œJustine!” Joe and Frank cried in unison.
    The girl stared at them, a look of confusion in her blue eyes. “Do I know you guys?”

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