Thorn's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 2)

Thorn's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 2) by Mardi Maxwell Page B

Book: Thorn's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 2) by Mardi Maxwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mardi Maxwell
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went into the kitchen and returned with three more glasses of wine. He slid two over to Dag and Ronin then sipped his.
    Ronin leaned back, sipped from his glass and said, "Aulunson said she's tall."
    Dag grinned. "Really tall. A warrior wouldn't get a crick in his neck kissing her. She has a body that can make a warrior's fever rise. Long slender legs and beautiful large breas—."
    "That's enough, Dag," Thorn growled. When Dag looked at him he knew his secret was out. He just hoped Dag would let it go.
    Dag drained his glass of wine, set it on the table and rose. "I'd better go speak to Garrikson before he turns in for the night."
    Ronin rose as well. "I think I'll go up to the fourth floor."
    Dane and Dev heard his statement as they entered the room. "Do you have some concentrating to do, Ronin?"
    "Yes, Dane. I do," Ronin said with a laugh.
    Eagerly, Dev said, "Daria could help you. She's a female and she helps me."
    "Dev!" Dane shouted, as he reached out and shoved him. "You're not supposed to tell."
    Thorn knelt in front of Dev. "How does Daria help you concentrate, Dev?"
    When Dev tried to turn to Dane for help, Thorn stopped him. "Answer me, Dev." When he hesitated, Thorn gave him an encouraging smile silently urging him to answer.
    "When I couldn't do my math she explained it to me until I understood," Dev said.
    "Is that all she did?"
    Dev shook his head. "She tried to help Dane with his science but she couldn't because she's no good at it."
    Thorn ruffled their hair. "Alright. Now, I think it's time for the two of you to go to bed. I'll check on you after Ronin and Dag leave."
    They said goodnight to their mentors and left the room. Thorn turned back to his guests. "Apparently my father has told them what females do for a warrior." He laughed. "He gave Soren and me the same lecture about sex sharing."
    Dag and Ronin were still laughing when he escorted them to the door and bid them goodnight. Thorn went into his sons' room and sat down on the end of Dev's bed. "Did you tell Daria about the females on the fourth floor?"
    They nodded.
    "Did you tell her that they help the warriors concentrate?"
    "Yes. At first, she didn't believe us but then she said she understood," Dane said.
    Thorn pulled the cover up to Dev's shoulder and pushed his hair out of his eyes. Before he moved away Dev threw his arms around his neck and hugged him. Thorn returned the hug then let Dev go, turned to Dane and hugged him and ruffled his hair. Immediately, Dane's hand flew up and smoothed it.
    Smiling, Thorn looked around their room. Dane's side was neat. Everything was stowed away out of sight. Dev's side was cluttered. His clothes formed an untidy pile on the floor and one of his boots stuck out from beneath the bed. It looked just like his and Soren's room when they were younger. He bid them goodnight and cleaned up the wine glasses and read the day's reports. He made sure they were asleep before he left his quarters intending to go to Daria. As he approached her door, his communicator buzzed.
    "Yes?" he asked, impatiently.
    "Commander, you're needed in engineering. There's been an explosion in the number two engine."
    "Any injuries?" he asked as he ran to the elevator.
    "Yes. Several of the crew were badly burned. They've been taken to the Med-Center."
    "Contact Dag Cameronson and tell him I want him to meet me there," Thorn ordered as the elevator doors opened.
    "Commander, he was present when the explosion occurred. He's been taken to the Med-Center."
    "Have Dr. Leifson keep me informed of his condition," Thorn said as he entered the chaos where workers in flame-retardant suits desperately fought to contain the fire. Spotting Garrikson on the other side of the room he wound his way to him through the rubble. "What happened?" he shouted, trying to be heard over the noise in the room.
    Garrikson handed the extinguisher he was using to another worker and stepped closer to Thorn. "When we tried to shut the engine down one of the fuel

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