Thorn's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 2)

Thorn's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 2) by Mardi Maxwell Page A

Book: Thorn's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 2) by Mardi Maxwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mardi Maxwell
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betrayal died down. Her betrayal against his people had been bad but the fact that she'd been the first female in Zarronian history to betray her bondmate had nearly destroyed him. He couldn't describe the relief he's felt when the scientists told him they'd discovered that there were now different levels of mating. He and Naline had not bonded but she'd taken his fever and freed him from the need to find a mate. She'd been the first bondmate to ever betray her mate and that's what had sent him fleeing he finally admitted to himself. The other he could have dealt with but the notoriety of having such a treacherous bondmate had nearly destroyed him. It had been his duty to control her and he'd failed. He's never once questioned her actions or her frequent absences. He'd trusted her completely but now he questioned whether he'd ever loved her or if what he'd felt for her was just the lust created by his fever.
    "Thorn?" Dag asked. "You okay?"
    He looked around and realized that they'd finished eating while he'd been lost in his thoughts. Nodding he glanced at Dev. "Where's the sweet cake?"
    "You haven't finished your vegetables, Father," Dev said.
    Thorn ruffled Dev's hair, finished the brocco-beans then handed the empty tray to Dane. His sons went into the kitchen and he heard the processor humming as it prepared the desert. Rising, he followed them and programmed the processor for three glasses of wine.
    While they ate the desert, Dag teasingly tried to sneak bites from Ronin's tray causing the boys to fall into fits of the giggles. The two boys finished their desert first so Thorn told them to take their trays to the kitchen and gave them permission to watch an info-disc. He relaxed and sipped his wine, ruefully grateful for the silence in the room.
    "We've made good time, Thorn. If nothing goes wrong we'll be home right on schedule," Ronin said.
    "What about the number two engine?" Thorn asked.
    "I spoke to Garrikson earlier," Dag said. "He's not sure it will hold until we reach Zarronia."
    "Ronin, how much longer would the journey take without the number two engine?"
    "At least another moon phase."
    "Then, I want the engine shut down. I don't want to take a chance on ruining it just to get home faster when the need isn't urgent."
    "Alright, I'll tell Garrikson." Dag sipped his wine then asked him, "How's it going with the boys?"
    "Good." Thorn looked at Ronin and Dag. "I've never thanked you for what you've done for them and me."
    Dag rose and pounded Thorn on the back when he passed him. "That's alright, Thorn. What are friends for if not to be there when you need them?"
    Ronin nodded in agreement. "Hey, I could use another glass of wine."
    Grinning, Dag said, "Suddenly, I feel like celebrating."
    "Which one of you told them about my heroic deeds?" Thorn asked Ronin.
    "We both did. They kept asking questions about you so we told them as much as we could."
    Thorn chuckled. "Dev thinks I kill everyone who angers me."
    Dag laughed. "We tried to tell him you didn't but for some reason he insists on believing that you do."
    Ronin leaned forward. "Dev is the more stubborn of the two of them. Once he gets an idea in his head he won't change it."
    Thorn grimaced. "I know. Every day he asks me if I've killed Daria yet."
    "How's our spy doing? Still locked up next door?" Dag asked.
    Thorn nodded. "I've informed the Council of her presence and why she says she snuck aboard. I haven't heard back from them."
    "Are they investigating her?" Ronin took a sip of wine.
    "I'd be surprised if they weren't," Thorn said.
    "Do you think the Council will execute her?"
    "I don't know." Thorn hoped they wouldn't keep asking questions. Dag knew him too well and he'd know, or at least suspect, that something more than sex had happened between him and Daria.
    Dag turned to Ronin. "You should have seen her. She's gorgeous. Long black her hair and eyes the exact color of a wolfens." He glanced at Thorn. "Isn't that right, Thorn?"
    "Yes." Thorn stood up,

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