This Wicked Game

This Wicked Game by Michelle Zink

Book: This Wicked Game by Michelle Zink Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Zink
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the world of light into one of such utter darkness that it will surely devour you and any in its path.
    It was never my intention that my spells and potions be used for ill. I have uncovered keys to the craft’s darkest door only to foil those with a less altruistic view of it, hoping to have some defense should it be used as a means to harm others.
    It is a heavy burden to know that my attempts at safeguarding the world from those who would use the craft for evil have instead caused that evil to be unleashed.
    I simply cannot suffer it, especially now, as it has become clear that my time in this world is short.
    I can only appeal to the all-powerful loas to accept an addendum to the Cold Blood spell. One that will require an ingredient you will never obtain.
    It is all I can do, and I can only hope as I prepare to leave this world for the next that you find enough peace in your heart to suspend this wicked game.
    Marie Laveau
    Claire set the letters down, her great-great-grandmother a palpable presence in the room. Whatever Sorina had done, whatever spell she had conjured, it was enough to scare even Marie.
    But there were too many other questions. They twisted and turned through Claire’s mind, one running into the next until her head started to hurt, her mind so full of Marie’s words that she only wanted to make it stop.
    She closed her laptop. She would have Sasha and Xander look at the letters tomorrow. Maybe they would read something into Marie’s words that Claire had missed. Something that would connect Marie and the woman named Sorina to Eugenia and Maximilian.
    She hoped so, because right now, the only thing they seemed to have in common was fear—Marie’s fear of the woman named Sorina and the ominous sense of danger Claire felt around the man named Maximilian.

    I t wasn’t easy to keep her mind clear while Cecile took them through the poses the next day. Claire wanted—needed—to find some clarity, some serenity.
    But no matter what she did, which mantras she repeated or how many peaceful images she imagined, she kept coming back to the house on Dauphine. To the man meeting with Estelle in secret and the pictures of Xander and Sasha and the unshakable feeling that they were all in danger.
    She was relieved when Cecile finally closed the class with the customary bow and in-unison “Namaste.” Rolling up her mat, Claire grabbed her bag as Sasha did the same. Then they stepped onto the street, grabbed their bikes, and headed for the Muddy Cup.
    “You planning to tell me what’s going on?” Sasha finally asked when they were sitting at their table, the sun softened by the tint on the big picture window.
    “What do you mean?” Claire laughed nervously. She planned to tell Sasha about the letters, but she was still trying to figure out how much to say and how to say it in a way that wouldn’t make her sound crazy.
we’ve been best friends ever since we dressed up my cat in ritual garb when we were ten and my mother freaked us out by telling us Boots would get her revenge because cats could lay spells.” Sasha’s expression softened as she glanced at Claire’s cup. “Plus, you’re drinking Herbal Unwind, and you only drink that when something’s wrong.”
    “I’m just stressed out,” Claire protested. “The last thing I need is caffeine.”
    “Right. But why?” Sasha asked. “I know you. Something’s up.”
    Claire played with her spoon. She was about to start talking when the empty chair next to Sasha scraped against the floor.
    When Claire looked up, it was right into Allegra St. Martin’s blue eyes.
    “Hey,” she said.
    “Allegra!” Claire hoped she sounded surprised and not rude.
    Sasha was less diplomatic. “Wow, have a seat why don’t you?” she said sarcastically, taking a drink of her coffee.
    Allegra rolled her eyes. “What? I’m supposed to ask for an invitation?”
    Claire gave Sasha a brief glare before turning to Allegra with a smile.

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