Things We Didn't Say

Things We Didn't Say by Kristina Riggle Page B

Book: Things We Didn't Say by Kristina Riggle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Riggle
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supportive, sweet act when I know what she really thinks of me.
    I can’t remember the exact words, but it was something like, can be such a bitch .
    I wanted to rip her journal in half and in fact I gave it a try, but that’s harder than it looks, so instead I found this red marker and let her know that her secrets aren’t so secret anymore.
    “Why were you even in my desk?” she asked, like she’s the poor victim here. I just needed a piece of paper. I didn’t expect to find out my dad’s girlfriend secretly hates me. I mean, I knew we didn’t always get along, but “bitch”?
    How many other people hate me in secret? Hannah, Emma, their friends, and now Casey, too?
    I know that Eleanor hates me out loud, already. Everyone thought she’d get the part of Anne Sullivan in The Miracle Worker . She’s pretty much the best actress in school and she’s always in community theater, too, and I heard she even has head shots and almost got an agent once when she went out to L.A. She’s so beautiful the guys all cling to her like they’re metal and she’s a magnet.
    But then I got it, and Eleanor is my understudy, which means she’s loving today because she did the part at rehearsal. She’s probably already off-book for my part, too. She’s got a freaky ability to memorize lines.
    I was so shocked when I saw the cast list, I thought Mrs. Nelson made a misprint, so I asked her. But she said no, she thought my audition had been “earnest and soulful” and she knew I had it in me.
    So she might as well have put a target on my back. I mean, some people think that Eleanor is overrated and a ham and that she waves her arms like she’s a cheerleader every time she reads a line.
    But mostly they’re all waiting for me to fuck it up.
    Maybe if Dylan stays gone I can quit the play.
    Oh, that’s terrible. I curl up on my bed and scrunch my eyes. I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it , I say in my head, in case I somehow jinxed him.
    I don’t know what to do with myself now. I don’t feel like reading lines. I have permission to blow off homework.
    My big plan for the evening had been to tell my dad all about the diary, and then he could promise not to marry her and I’d know at least I wouldn’t be having a stepmother who hated me. But I can’t really do that now.
    I sent Dylan a text earlier that said “WTF? Where r u?” And then I sent some more that were nicer and more concerned, but now I find out he didn’t even take his phone.
    I should probably tell my dad what Dylan told me last week about hating his new school, but he swore me to secrecy. And that’s different than reading Casey’s diary, because I didn’t mean to do that, I just stumbled on it.
    But Dylan’s my brother, and I promised.
    Anyway, it’s probably not related. It sounds like my brother thinks he’s in love, the idiot.
    My door opens and it’s my dad, and he’s got this big frown. I can’t hear him, but I can read his lips. I sigh and take out my earbuds and sit up cross-legged. He sits on the edge of my bed.
    “Angel, I’ve got to ask you something.”
    “You know something’s up with Dylan. Casey said you were looking really guilty when I was talking, and you were evasive just now.”
    “I didn’t realize I was being interrogated. ”
    “You need to tell us what’s going on.”
    “I don’t know . Anyway, you guys know that he’s going to New York by bus. The cops will find him, right?”
    “ Look . . .” My dad runs his fingers over his hair and pulls at his tie. He’s never gotten out of his work clothes. “You can’t tell Jewel this, okay?”
    “Tell her what?”
    “Promise me.”
    “Okay, fine, I promise. What?”
    “I’m worried that he’s not really meeting a girl.”
    “Who else could he be meeting?”
    While my dad tries to figure out what to say, suddenly it hits me. He thinks it’s like the Dateline NBC show where they catch perverts trying to meet up with young

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