There Your Heart Will Be Also

There Your Heart Will Be Also by Felicia Rogers

Book: There Your Heart Will Be Also by Felicia Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Felicia Rogers
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gift to her to pass along to the mistress? Or would he give it to Sarra alone? He wondered if he should mention his gift at all or just wait . T he decision was made for Cedric when the villagers began to form a line in front of Sarra.
    Each villager brought something. The wool maker brought a homemade woolen scarf, the linen maker a linen handkerchief, the soap maker brought soap that smelled of roses , the blacksmith brought a small engraved dagger, and the leather worker brought a sheath for the small dagger.
    Every one brought forth a small but personal gift and Sarra ooo h ed and ahhhed over each one. She truly seemed to love each item presented to her. The giver left with a sense their gift had been thought of as a great treasure. Sarra thanked everyone on behalf of the mistress and herself as well.
    When the line ended, she was surrounded by favors. The crowd went back to the dance floor or the food table , and Cedric and Sarra were once again alone.
    â€œLook at all these gifts Cedric! It will take me a week to sort through it all and put it in its place.”
    Cedric could tell she was pleased but overwhelmed . “Maybe the mistress will give y e extra time to place them for her .”
    â€œMaybe,” Sarra replied with a wry look .
    â€œI hate to do this , Sarra , but there is one more gift.”
    â€œOh no, not another. Who could possibly be left? I believe half of England has already giv en me, I mean, the mistress a favor . ”
    â€œMe,” he said shyly.
    Cedric got down in front of her, opened his sporran, and pulled out a piece of wood which had been hand - carved into a running horse. The horse’s mane fanned behind it as if flowing in the moving wind.
    Tears slid down Sarra’s face.
    â€œIt’s for ye . I’ll have to make something for the mistress later. Ye don’t think me giving ye a gift will cause a problem , do ye ? ”
    Shaking her head vigorously, Sarra stared at Cedric . She lunged forward and threw her arms around his neck.
    The unexpectedness of the affection ate gesture almost sent him sprawling to the ground. One hand beneath him on the ground and an arm around her back , he reveled in the feel of their bodies together .
    â€œThank you. It is the most elegant and thoughtful gift I have ever received. Magnificent. How did you do this?” After a moment of hesitation, she added, “You did carve this, right?”
    Pushing her back from him slightly, so he could see her more clearly , he said “Aye, I made it.”
    With deference, Sarra slipped the horse into her drawstring pouch before le a d ing him back to the dance floor. Cedric spent the rest of the evening holding Sarra in his arms. The tune of the music didn’t matter, fast or slow, they followed their hearts only as they moved across the dance floor.

Chapter Fourteen

    At the close of the party, Cedric offered to escort Sarra to her quarters. Accepting the offer , they walked hand in hand up the stairs and down the hallway. Peals of laughter could be heard as the party continued behind them.
    Beneath veiled eyes, Sarra studied Cedric. The night had been magical, filled with dancing, food, gifts, and new feelings of love.
    Sarra found she didn’t want the night to end. There had to be something she could do to prolong this time . The two of them might never have another chance to share in this way. Tomorrow would certainly bring questions. All Cedric had to do was think about the things he’d witnessed at the party. If he sat and thought about it long enough, surely he would realize she was the mistress. Then what?
    Li ke a bolt of lightning, Sarra thought of something they could do to extend the evening, even if just for a few more seconds. G rabb ing his hand , she said, “Come with me. I want to show you something.”
    Sarra led Cedric to the library off the main hall, hidden by a tiny alcove. T he doors open ed to a room with the smell of

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