There Will Be Bears

There Will Be Bears by Ryan Gebhart

Book: There Will Be Bears by Ryan Gebhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Gebhart
they attack one human, they become more likely to attack another. But she just vanished.
    Horrible thoughts are running through my mind as I walk home. Maybe wearing this bear costume is symbolic in some way. Like the universe is sending me a message. I’m inside a bear now, just like I will be after I get eaten by one in Wyoming.
    I am thinking way too deep. This is so unlike me. I am thinking about death and what it feels like to have teeth wrapped around my neck when I should be picturing a fun-filled trip with Gene — riding horses, bonding over our kills, and filling our heads with memories we will never forget.
    This could be my last day alive.
    I have to get out of this ridiculous bear suit.
    When I get home, Dad is hauling his suitcase down the stairs.
    “Hey, you’re looking pretty ferocious there, Tyson. You ready to go to Rock Springs?”
    I nod.
    “What’s wrong? You don’t seem excited.”
    “Oh, no. It’s just, I got a lot of things on my mind.”
    “What’s going on?”
    “It’s nothing important.”
    “You sure?”
    “No, really, Dad. I’m fine.”
    “You know you can talk to me if something’s bothering you.”
    “I know. Nothing’s bothering me.”
    He doesn’t look convinced. “Well, let’s get going.”
    “Just let me change.”
    “I thought you were going to wear that bear costume all day.”
    “It’s hot and uncomfortable.”
    “But you’re going to wear it tonight with your grandfather, right?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “You don’t
? You spent all that money.”
    “Dad, please. Let me go change.”
    I’m making for the staircase when he says, “Did you pack all of Gramps’s camping equipment?”
    “Yes, Dad.”
    “His tent? His cooler?”
    “And warm clothes? It’s going to be cold in Idaho.”
    “I packed everything.”
    “Come here.” He pulls me into a half hug, one hand around my shoulder. “I’m sorry.”
    “For what?”
    “For treating you like a child. You’re more mature than I gave you credit for. I was really apprehensive about the hunt because even though you’re not Gene’s grandson, you are my son. If you’re anything like me, you would have fainted when you saw all the blood and guts. There is a lot of it in an animal that size.”
    “You fainted?”
    “Your gramps — Gene — poured his canteen on me to wake me up.”
    I’m not like Dad. I’m not scared about cutting open an animal as big as a morbidly obese dude or getting blood on my hands. I won’t faint out there.
    I really hope I don’t faint.
    I laugh. “Wuss.”
    “And you understand why you’re not going on the hunt, right?”
    “Because Gene is sick.”
    “I don’t know what I would do if something happened to either of you. I love you guys so much.” He wraps his arm around my neck and pulls me in for a painful noogie, giving a growl.
    “Dad. Cut it out.”
    I have this heavy lump of guilt sitting low in my stomach. I mean, he doesn’t want me to go to the Grand Tetons for all the right reasons. But I’m going for all the right reasons, too.
    Mom, Dad, and Ashley are planning on doing the whole tourist thing near Rock Springs — visit the wild horse sanctuary in the Red Desert, then the Killpecker Sand Dunes. Dad’s even talking about renting some ATVs to go off-roading, but I’ll believe it when I see it. If Gene and I make it back on Sunday, they’ll take me home.
    When we get to the nursing home, Mom and Dad help bring our gear into the lobby.
    Dad goes, “Call our cell if anything happens, you hear?”
    “We will.” Gene told me there isn’t an ounce of signal in the Tetons.
    “If Gene starts to feel weak or ill, if he gets a headache or is short of breath, I want you two to go to a ranger station immediately. Be responsible.”
    Mom rolls her eyes. “Oh, Lee, they’ll be fine.”
    Dad smiles, nodding in agreement. “Most important, I want you two to have a good time.”
    Dad gives me a hug and Mom kisses my forehead, then they

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